Congratulations for a year of providing an incredible community resource. The CD News info goes well beyond the web sphere as we repeat what we know to neighbors. As I walked around while unable to go to work during the snow, I certainly told people to go here for news. And, you all know I commented frequently. Recent cabin fever? Yes (I got to Christmas dinner YAY). Contemplative? Not much, I think and do. Reactive type? Totally.
I must say that the meeting at Garfield that you publicized dealt with some subtexts in the community in a good way, not to say seeing the SNG actually being in our area of the hood…
As you all are the creators of the software, and I fully support you getting ad revenue to support software development, I thought I’d state some things that would make this a more useful site. This site is a lot more functional than traditional blogger style blogs, but I expect you are always figuring out ways to improve. Hopefully, others will chime in and you will choose to implement a few enhancements?
I’m basing ideas off of some features of other blogs, which I also have critiques of, but I am cherry picking what works for me. has a feature for those who have a login of noting, not only the number of comments, but NEW comments. I think this would be helpful if folks are involved in a discussion. Washblog is a blog of liberals in the pacific northwest. It tends to move slowly, so I can keep up. also has the NEW feature, but as it moves way to fast for me, I appreciate the home page for registered users where I can save articles. I only go there periodically. But, it saved my sanity when I was stuck at work watching a debate online, comments like, ‘ If your drinking game includes the term “My Friends”, put your glass down NOW’ mitigated missing the group at Central Cinema. I also appreciate the weekly wrap up.
So, having a place on my home page to save stories is helpful.
If any of you thoughtful people have a story to tell, dailykos or washblog are good places. (end pitch)
Finally, I think it might be worthwhile reaching out to people who have come and gone. I think some trolls really shut down some people and turned off others. I have heard a few times, ‘I don’t need to subject myself to racism when I live with it every day.’ I cannot state strongly enough how important this is. Maybe some emails or some surveys that go out by email. Honest opinions are always good, yes?
I particularly appreciate the youth and comments from long time community people. The young people are telling us the truth from their perspective. When I see ‘All I want is to be safe’ written by a young person, I feel like this blog has just started to do its job. The response was fantastic. Maybe, and this is a stretch, maybe there is a way to allow people to connect with emails. I KNOW social networking is complex. Maybe, we just figure out who is on Facebook or MySpace. THere is a Central District group on Facebook….
So congratulations Scott and CDguy (scanner reporting par excel lance – and WHO is the winner between Goodwill and QFC on south Broadway anyway?) Hope your New Year is Happy.
Best regards,