About 3:30 I heard the sound of scraping and shoveling, peeked outside and saw a stranger shoveling the driveway. She said she was helping the people who iive behind me in our town house group. Seems they got all the way from West Seattle just fine but could not get up our driveway.
To the rescue, new neighbor from the townhomes across the street with two young strong sons and 3 borrowed snow shovels!
I joined in, and after alot of shoveling and pushing, a break to take the freaked out dog inside, and an attempt to lay down tarp (does not work it wound back around the tires), we had a lightbulb moment and noticed a bag of mulching bark that we spread liberally.
It was all still very slippery and dicey, with near misses of the posts and another car, but the car is now parked for the duration. And, besides the leftover bark, there is a 9 cubic foot bag of mulch sitting ready to handle the sheet of ice the drive will be…
Real nice to meet the neighbors. She can borrow a cup of sugar any time!
While people around here can be pretty stand-offish, there’s nothing like a snow storm to make people a little more friendly. I’ve found the number of people willing to interact about double in the last couple days. Almost makes me wish it snowed all the time…
If you don’t have sand or gravel to help your tires get traction, use cheap ol’ clay kitty litter. A bag at Safeway won’t set you back more than a few dollars. It really helps. Throw a bag in your trunk just in case.
I must admit, I am ready to go back to work as well. Although I really enjoyed a rousing game of Apples to Apples with my neighbors tonight.
Agreed. Used some this evening to help someone get out of the Miller Community Center parking lot.
Knew about use of kitty litter, in a theoretical sort of way. Tried it out of desperation. It worked. I’ll put some in my car tomorrow.
…this is not 1978, you are now a major city. Buy another f*cking snow plow.
Stuck In My Own Driveway and Missing My Flight This Morning.
1 more plow won’t get you anywhere. For a storm this magnitude you would need dozens more pieces of equipment and staff to operate it…for a storm that’s happened once in 20 years?
I’m sorry you missed your flight. I’m really sorry that we don’t have decent transportation alternatives to keep you from having to drive to the airport, although hopefully next year we’ll be one step closer to solving that one. But I’m not sorry we didn’t spend another huge pile o’money for snow removal equipment.
We need quite a few more snowplows.
I see, so the few thousand dollars you’d spend on snowplows, or a willingness to salt your roads wouldn’t be offset by the thousands of dollars in tax revenue the city/county/state are losing out on by having people trapped in their homes and not shopping and conducting commerce? I think that’s a shortsighted perspective, but that’s just me.
It could be cost effective if contractors and gardeners and others with trucks would buy plow attachments and be dispatched and paid. Even city trucks could be outfitted. That is what happens in other cities.
The real question is, would those folks find it worth their while?
I submit, give this kind of program a shot. But, if the small business folks don’t find it worth it…
I may have lined up a friend with studded tires and four wheel drive to cruise up and down my street to erode the snow pack :-)