Hello fellow neighbors. I have a neighbor who has two very large dogs that are confined exclusively to the backyard and bark most of the day. In addition, the dog poop is never picked up and after over a year (maybe longer) it is beginning to get pretty nasty back there. Add to that, they never cut back their plants or keep up their house at all.
OK, not expecting everyone to have a green thumb and not looking for perfection, but when it is hot out, the dog dung can get potent and the plants are so overgrown with nettles or weeds that they start to come over and get tangled into my trees and such.
I feel bad for the neighbor. She is able bodied and capable, just kind of lazy or something I think. I have offered to help her clear the mess(subtly of course), but she politely declines-I think she feels embarrassed and does not want to impose on me. A lot of my fellow neighbors are pretty harsh about her, but it is starting to become a big nuisance for me next door.
Question: Does anyone know of any city ordinances or recourse to have folks clean up after their excessive dog waste or do something about extreme overgrown backyards?