City vs. Public Safety? Will budget cuts impact our quality of life?

Please come to the next East Precinct Crime Prevention Coalition (EPCPC) Meeting, Thursday June 23, 6pm at the Douglass-Truth Library at 2300 East Yesler Way. Our topic for the evening will focus on budget cuts in the City Attorney’s Office. It is very important that we get everyone there to voice your concern!

You may know that City Attorney Pete Holmes is considering the elimination of the City Attorney Precinct Liaison Program in his mid-year budget reduction proposal.  The Precinct Liaisons are a very important community resource, doing much on the front lines to mitigate and decrease negative activity in our community; particularly regarding liquor licensing, chronic nuisance issues and drug house abatement. 

Craig Sims, Chief of the Criminal Division of the Seattle City Attorney’s office, will be the guest speaker.  Craig oversees the activities of the Precinct Liaisons as well as the prosecutors who file and try misdemeanor charges – these are the crimes that directly impact us, such as trespass, prostitution, drug loitering, DUIs, domestic violence, some property destruction, and minors possessing/using/exhibiting the effects of alcohol. 

This is a great opportunity to learn more about the programs Craig oversees and discuss the City Attorney Precinct Liaison program -including the reasoning behind cutting this resource. 

Hopefully we can learn more about whether the Precinct Liaison program will be lost or preserved. (and what more we can do about it).

Keep in mind that this is a proven, successful program that saves money in the end while serving your best interest. 

I will see you on the 23rd!

 Stephanie Tschida, Chair

The Good Vibe Concert- July 16th, 2011

The East Precinct Crime Prevention Coalition, Seattle Neighborhood Group, Seattle Parks and Recreation, the Seattle Office of Arts and Culture, Langston Hughes Performing Arts Center, the Seattle Police Foundation and others proudly present Annual Summer Good Vibe Concert, held Saturday, July 16, 2011, from 1 to 4 PM at Dr Blanche Lavizzo Park.

Come and help “Build Unity in the Community”while celebrating the amazing talent of our community youth and young adults.  Headlined by Theoretics, an incredibly lively and talented positive hip-hop band (; other performers include young dancers, poets and actors. 

 Admission is free and so are the delicious food and drinks generously donated by East Precinct businesses.

 The Good Vibe needs your help! We desperately need donations; any amount will do, from $25 to $1,000! ( -donations link on right)  We also need volunteers to join our team in producing this event!

Your support is greatly appreciated!  Please contact Ed Prince at Seattle Neighborhood Group, 206-322-9330 or [email protected] 

Thank you and see everyone at the Summer Good Vibe 2011!

Seattle U Student Code of Conduct to be discussed at Thursday’s EPCPC meeting

Many Seattle University students are renting homes in your communities, and typically are good neighbors.  However, springtime sometimes brings year-end celebrations and parties that can disrupt our neighborhoods.  In an ongoing, genuine effort to be good neighbors, Seattle U has several community engagement initiatives, including providing direct access to their staff.  Our speaker for the tomorrow’s East Precinct Crime Prevention Coalition meeting  will be Darrell Goodwin, who serves as the Assistant Dean of Students in the Division of Student Development, where he coordinates the university student judicial system.

Darrell will be speaking about the Seattle U Code of Conduct and whom you can contact if there is an incident in your neighborhood involving a student.

East Precinct Crime Prevention Coalition meeting, Thursday, April 28


6PM, Douglass Truth Library, (2300 East Yesler Way)

We will also focus on our ongoing and regular agenda items, including your concerns.  I look forward to seeing you tomorrow evening!

Stephanie Tschida, Chair

East Precinct Crime Prevention Coalition

Still On-Tonight’s EPCPC 2/24 meeting

As you probably know, recent discussions and forums have focused on the relationship between Seattle Police and the community. A group of youth decided it was time they were involved in that conversation.  On January 12th, 2010 at the Garfield Teen Life Center, in partnership with the Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation, Seattle Police Department, Students Against Violence Everywhere, and the Seattle Youth Commission, the group hosted “Building Bridges,” a forum to discuss youth and police relations.

This Thursday’s East Precinct Crime Prevention meeting, beginning at 6 PM,  will feature Garfield High School Senior Emerson North, of Students Against Violence Everywhere, who will report to us about the event.  You won’t want to miss this critical youth perspective.  

Also on the agenda is an exercise to get your feedback on topics you would like our future meetings to focus on.

 Please note that the meeting will be held at Seattle University’s Chardin Hall; located at 1020 East Jefferson room 142. Enter the campus off of 11the and Jefferson, park in the lot in front of the building.  Go through the main doors and turn right, room 142 is down the hall on the right.

 *****IMPORTANT: We may need to cancel due to the impending forecasted snow. Please stay tuned for updates via this posting.***** 

Chief Diaz at January 27 EPCPC Meeting

Seattle Police Department’s Chief John Diaz will be our featured guest at the Thursday, January 27 East Precinct Crime Prevention Coalition meeting.

Do you have public safety concerns in your neighborhood? Questions about future plans for police staffing, Crime Prevention Coordinators, and other items impacted by budget cuts? Any other relevant matters?  Here’s a chance to ask Chief Diaz in person! 

The agenda provides as much time as possible to address your concerns, however, due to an expected large turnout, we are requesting that you come at 6PM sharp to sign up as a speaker. If you are part of a group or common neighborhood, please prepare your items as a collaborative unit.  Comments/questions will be limited to one minute.

Those that do not get a chance to speak, or prefer confidentiality, can complete a form that we will give directly to Chief Diaz.

Also please note our change of venue to the Seattle University Campus, Chardin Hall (Formerly the Bessie Sullivan Building) at 11th and Jefferson.  This location is very accessible; just enter the campus driveway at Jefferson at 11th and park free in the lot. Enter through the double doors and turn right.

We look forward to seeing everyone next week!


East Precinct Crime Prevention Coalition
Thursday, January 27, 6 PM to 7:45 PM
Seattle University Chardin Hall, Room 142
1020 East Jefferson 98122

Community Court cleaning up CD today

Seattle Community Court gives misdemeanor offenders opportunities to complete community service hours in lieu of jail time.  Participants ‘give back’ to the neighborhoods, often where their offenses occurred.  Today, you may see four Community Court participants in orange vests, under the leadership of AmeriCorps members Yonatan Aldort and Jeremy Ciarabellini, walking through the Central District picking up litter.  Please show them your appreciation, our goals are to help our participants, who often face multiple barriers; to restore themselves as they restore our communities.  

Tragedy at 14th and Union

The November 22nd very unfortunate tragedy at 14th and Union was hugely upsetting to our community. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to the victim’s neighbors, friends and family .  This was a tremendous loss of not only the person murdered, but to our sense of feeling safe.

As the Chairperson of the East Precinct Crime Prevention Coalition, I would like to ask the community what we can do to help. In the past, our practice has been to host a public forum  in the neighborhood nearby the tragic incident.  We’ve included police department representatives, crime prevention coordinators and any other relevant and helpful presenters.  I don’t know if this practice  resolves any problems directly, however, the sharing of grief and concerns for safety among neighbors can be helpful in some cases.  The East Precinct Crime Prevention Coalition board does our best to advocate for your quality of life and safety, and I would like to generate any supportive efforts possible to support you.

Please let me know by posting a comment what you think would be the most effective way to respond to this horrible incident. Shall we host a forum, as we’ve done in the past? Other ideas?

Thanks for your concern. 

Stephanie Tschida, Chair

East Precinct Crime Prevention Coalition

East Precinct Crime Prevention Coalition meeting tonight, Thursday, Sept. 23rd

Dear Community Stakeholders:

Please come to our East Precinct Crime Prevention Coalition meeting tonight, Thursday, September 23



rd at 6 PM.

 Randy Beaulieu, on the EPCPC Board and the Central Seattle Drug Free Communities Coalition Coordinator, will be presenting some very interesting findings from the recent surveys administered to over 2000 students and all staff members from Madrona K-8, Washington Middle School, and Garfield High School.

 The focus of the student surveys included levels and perceptions of student substance use, personal access to alcohol and marijuana, perceptions of community and school enforcement, and parental/adult involvement in youth substance use.

 The survey was also given to all staff members of the target schools, focusing on awareness/knowledge of discipline policies around substance use at schools, understanding of how to respond in instances where students are using substances at schools, confidence in abilities to address such situations and levels of past training on substance issues.

 Also on our agenda will be Steve Freng, from the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) program. King County is among several areas within the United States identified as exhibiting serious drug trafficking problems. Designated to receive additional federal resources, the HIDTA program works with local law enforcement to help eliminate or reduce drug trafficking and its harmful consequences.

 Hope to see you all tomorrow!

 Stephanie Tschida, Chair

East Precinct Crime Prevention Coalition

Thursday, September 23



rd, 6 PM

Seattle Vocational Institute

2120 S Jackson St

Free parking in the north side of the building’s parking lot

Proposed Nightlife Initiative to be discussed at Thursday’s 8/26 EPCPC meeting

Since we will be discussing the Mayor’s  proposed Nightlife Initiative at Thursdays East Precinct Crime Prevention Coalition, don’t forget to EDUCATE YOURSELF on the eight-point plan. Please see:

I found an interesting article on the Stranger’s Slog:

Five Great Questions Asked About the Mayor’s Nightlife Initiative Last Night



Please come prepared to ASK QUESTIONS about this initiative. How will it impact our community- and our neighbors?

See everyone on Thursday!

Stephanie Tschida, Chair


East Precinct Crime Prevention Coalition

Thursday, August 26

th- 6 to 7:30 PM

Seattle Vocational Institute, Room 401

2120 South Jackson Street

Seattle, WA 98144

July 24th- Free Music and Free Food at The Good Vibe 2010!

The 4th Annual Good Vibe is happening on Saturday, July 24th, from 1 to 5 PM at Dr Blanche Lavizzo Park in the Central District!  

Keeping the spirit of infusing positive energy into the park, which is a hidden gem sometimes negatively used for illegal activities, the Good Vibe features an exciting assembly of Seattle’s finest spoken word artists and musicians.

Headliners include Theoretics, lead by hip-hop artist Mark Barrett Tongish Hoy, AKA Diztortion, who’s skillful compositions of language and rhythm gets everyone out of their seats and digging the beat.

Alisha Roney, who was nominated for best female vocalist in the recent Inside Out jazz awards, has assembled a group called Tenderoney, featuring Inside Out’s award winner guitarist Brendan O’Donnell, nominee Mark Sampson on keyboards and percussion artist Zach Para. Alisha, know for her sultry, soulful voice, performs a range of genres, from straight ahead jazz to neo-soul.

Talented poet Michael Moynihan, who is known by ‘Renaissance the Poet’, embodies his moniker through his deep-felt poetry, delivered with a passion and eloquence that reveals a brilliant artist, is also in the line up.

The Good Vibe also features performances by “The Impossibles” and DJ Rise on the Turntables.

Music isn’t the only headliner for the event- Donated by local food service organizations; there always is Free Food!

Mark your calendars and come for this outstanding show and family friendly community event:

The 4th Annual Good Vibe

Saturday, July 24th, 2010, 1 to 5 PM

Dr Blanche Lavizzo Park

2100 South Jackson Street

(Behind Seattle Vocational Institute and across from Washington Middle School)