Many Seattle University students are renting homes in your communities, and typically are good neighbors. However, springtime sometimes brings year-end celebrations and parties that can disrupt our neighborhoods. In an ongoing, genuine effort to be good neighbors, Seattle U has several community engagement initiatives, including providing direct access to their staff. Our speaker for the tomorrow’s East Precinct Crime Prevention Coalition meeting will be Darrell Goodwin, who serves as the Assistant Dean of Students in the Division of Student Development, where he coordinates the university student judicial system.
Darrell will be speaking about the Seattle U Code of Conduct and whom you can contact if there is an incident in your neighborhood involving a student.
East Precinct Crime Prevention Coalition meeting, Thursday, April 28
6PM, Douglass Truth Library, (2300 East Yesler Way)
We will also focus on our ongoing and regular agenda items, including your concerns. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow evening!
Stephanie Tschida, Chair
East Precinct Crime Prevention Coalition