Please join the 12th Avenue Stewardship Committee and the Seattle Parks Department for the first community meeting for the James Court woonerf project.
A woonerf (a Dutch term) is a street where pedestrians and bicycles have equal priority of the street, along with cars. A woonerf will usually also have a different paving pattern, low or no curbs, and more greenery than a typical street. The James Court woonerf was a community-initiated project that will create a woonerf on James Court between 12th and 13th Avenues. The redesigned street will create shared spaces, increase the feeling of openness and connection with the adjacent James Court Park (which will be constructed at the same time), and slow down traffic on James Court. This will be one of the first streets of this kind in the city.
Please join us for the first community meeting where Parks staff will outline the project scope and schedule, and we can share community priorities for the project.
Tuesday, May 10th
5:30 – 7:00pm
Seattle University Alumni & Admissions Building
824 12th Avenue (corner of 12th and E Marion Street)
Questions: Please contact Susanne Rockwell at Seattle Parks and Recreation 206-684-0902 or [email protected]