Mail your ballot by Tuesday!


Click the electronic “I Voted” sign to go the the King County Elections website: you can guess what you’ll find there. Most important info there is the location of the nearest ballot drop box, if you missed the mail pickup: King County Administration Building, 500 4th Avenue, Seattle 98104

And if you REALLY want to keep up on things on election night (and have an iPhone) you’ll need the official WA State Elections iPhone app.

Municipal Judges: Andrew’s pick for position 1 (updated X2)

Your ballot for the November election will arrive in the next day or two. Way down on the page will be the races for judges, which I know little about, and the races for Seattle Municipal Court Judges, which I typically know even less about, so I rarely vote for either!

This time I will be voting for Ed McKenna, who is running for Seattle Municipal Court Judge Position No. 1.


When he was the Assistant City Attorney assigned to the East Precinct (about 5 years ago), I often encountered him at neighborhood events related to the issues along Madison Street and at Crime Prevention Coalition meetings. I was struck by his quiet, polite, caring and competent way of handling the sensitive issues that we were dealing with. These impressions were confirmed when I had a long chat with him at a campaign event last month.

I know nothing of his opponent (other than having read of her very low ranking by people who rank judges), nor of the assorted snipings going on in the media (see links below). 

However, having worked with Ed, I would be very happy to have him as a Seattle City Judge.  For the first (and maybe last) time in my life I have displayed a yard sign!

Links, assorted, for you to learn more about the candidates:

From that last article:

McKenna has been rated “very good” by the Municipal League of King County. Charles was rated “adequate.” McKenna has been rated “exceptionally well qualified” by the King County Bar Association. The same group rated Charles as “qualified.”

Link added (10/27/10): Bar Association Says Presiding Judge Broke Rules During Campaign

OK, so it’s not World Peace but …

displaying a copy of this poster, together with New York Times bags and a trash can, on a tree in my parking strip does seem to be paying modest dividends:

  • bags are vanishing fast enough that I have to beg friends to save their NY Times wrappers
  • occasional bags of poop appear in the trash can
  • the endless offerings of abandoned dog-poop on my (corner lot) parking strips do seem to be diminishing.

Origin: this Post Globe article.

OK, I admit it, I’d been meaning to post this for months but Scott beat me to it.


Nominate a deserving African American community member: deadline the 29th!

The attached information is for your consideration to nominate a deserving African American community member to be the 1st recipient of the annual “R. Gil Kerlikowske Volunteer of The Year Award” presented by the Council. We have put in a lot of time and work to create a positive and proactive approach to recognizing caring and dedicated individuals who understand the need to build a quality of life for our communities and city in cooperation with our SPD.


The award will be presented at a banquet affair on June 10, 2010, at the African American Museum starting at 6:30pm.  The event will be by RSVP only, made by May 31, 2010, limited seating to 144 persons. We will have 4 finalists and one of them chosen to be the “2010” winner.  ALL NOMINATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY MAY 29, 2010 and selections will be made from those applications received by that date.


Please mail your entry to: African American Community Advisory Council, PO Box 22794SeattleWA  98122


For more information or additional forms go to the following link:


Our general membership meeting is always the 3rd Thursday of each month, so please mark it on your calendars, this months meeting is May 20th @ SVI (Seattle Vocational Institute) 22nd & S. Jackson, all meetings start at

 6:30pm – 8pm, come and get updated on our various activities for the community and SPD.


Mark the various times on your calendar!! 


Paul A. Bascomb

Seattle Neighborhood Group

Chance to (re)-beautify some empty lots?

Josh Mahar (on the CHS blog) highlights a program to make “stalled” building sites more attractive while they await the revival of our economy.  Jim Mueller’s 23rd & Union project had independently done that last summer, with the art installation there. However as time passes the artworks are gently decomposing and the weeds are taking over as the site takes on the appearance of what Europeans of a certain age would refer to as a bombsite. (I alerted Jim to the issue, via this photo, and he promises to get on it).


Maybe we can inspire him to be part of the City program? Any other stalled lots in the CD that you’d like to nominate?

(BTW: smart phones as instruments of change: saw the weedy lot while taking part in a street cleanup. Took and E-mailed the picture on the spot, and had a reply from Jim by the time I got home!)

City requests your input on Google Ultra-High Speed Broadband

Seattle is going to place its hat in the ring to test an ultra-high speed broadband network and is asking for your help.

What Is This About? 

The City of Seattle will respond to a “Request for Information” from Google for a pilot program that Google is doing to build and test ultra-high speed broadband networks.  If we are successful, Google will select one or more neighborhoods in Seattle to participate in their pilot program.  

 Google’s plan is to launch an experiment that Google hopes will make Internet access better and faster for everyone.  Google’s networks “…will deliver Internet speeds more than 100 times faster than what most Americans have access to today over 1 gigabit per second, fiber-to-the-home connections.  [Google will] offer service at a competitive price to at least 50,000 and potentially up to 500,000 people.”

 How Can You Help?

 On behalf of your neighborhood, organization, or business, you can fill out the section of Google’s Request for Information (RFI) that is geared toward residents and community groups.  Responses are due back to Google by March 26. 

 This section of the RFI allows neighborhoods, organizations, or businesses to make their pitch to Google for why Google should build a fiber-to-the-home network in a particular area of Seattle.    The questions in this section focus on (a) why Google should pick a particular neighborhood for their pilot; and (b) what’s the type, quality, and price of current internet services in that neighborhood.

 How Do I Fill Out the RFI?

Below are step-by-step instructions for filling out the residents and community groups section of the RFI:

 1.       Go to Google’s website

2.       Click on the “Get Involved” button.

3.       Login (if you already have an account). 

4.       If you do not have an account, click on “Create an Account Now.”  Follow the instructions for creating an account – this will include responding to an “email address verification” email that Google will email to the address you provide them.

5.       Go back to where you were in the Google website and click on “Nominate your Community.”  This will bring up the list of questions that you will respond to on line, and submit to Google when you are finished.


 If you have questions about how to fill out the RFI form, please contact Diane Clausen (phone number is 684-8151; email is [email protected]).

 If you have questions about the Google RFI project in general, please contact Tony Perez (phone number is 386-0070; email is [email protected]).

September 19th Miller playfield inauguration & welcome party for new schools

(Seattle Parks Dept. Press Release. Please see & distribute the attached flyer, or see the Miller blog. )


Seattle Parks and Recreation, the Capitol Hill community and sports field users are celebrating the renovated Miller Playfield on Saturday, September 19, 2009 from 6:30 – 10 p.m.  The evening will include an ice-cream social to welcome Nova High School and the Secondary Bilingual Orientation Center to the neighborhood, a soccer clinic by Seattle University Men’s Soccer, a lacrosse clinic by Northwest Women’s Lacrosse Association (NWWLA), and time for community pick-up games.   

The clinics and ice cream social are scheduled from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. and from 8:30 – 10 p.m. will be pick-up games on the field. The field is located at 330 19th Ave E.

“Between the renovated playfield and the two new schools, there is a new vibrancy in the Miller community,” said Parks and Recreation Superintendent Tim Gallagher. “Young athletes, students, and parents are rightly excited about these improvements, which help create community and make this campus the true heart of the neighborhood.”

 This project located next to the Miller Community Center replaces the existing sand/silt field with synthetic turf and accommodates for men and women’s lacrosse, adult soccer and softball. The renovation was requested by the community through the Community Capital Suggestion Process. 

 The event is co-sponsored by Seattle Parks and Recreation, Bluebird Homemade Ice Cream & Tea Roomcapitolhillseattle.comand the Design Kompany. To see Seattle University (SU) Men’s Soccer skills in action earlier in the day attend the SU Redhawks game against Oregon State at 12:30 p.m. on SU Championship Field.

 For more information, please contact Parks Project Manager Ted Holden at (206) 684-7201; e-mail [email protected] or visit


I (Andrew) note that the efforts to involve the two new schools at Meany (Nova High School and the Secondary Bilingual Education Program) are going well, so I hope many neighbors will be available to welcome the schools to our neighborhood AND to try out the new playfield.  Soccer, baseball and lacrosse were being practiced simultaneously there this evening!

Please share the attached poster with your friends and neighbors.