Community Post

Chance to (re)-beautify some empty lots?

Josh Mahar (on the CHS blog) highlights a program to make “stalled” building sites more attractive while they await the revival of our economy.  Jim Mueller’s 23rd & Union project had independently done that last summer, with the art installation there. However as time passes the artworks are gently decomposing and the weeds are taking over as the site takes on the appearance of what Europeans of a certain age would refer to as a bombsite. (I alerted Jim to the issue, via this photo, and he promises to get on it).


Maybe we can inspire him to be part of the City program? Any other stalled lots in the CD that you’d like to nominate?

(BTW: smart phones as instruments of change: saw the weedy lot while taking part in a street cleanup. Took and E-mailed the picture on the spot, and had a reply from Jim by the time I got home!)

0 thoughts on “Chance to (re)-beautify some empty lots?

  1. Alleycat is on the north side of Union, at 22nd. The Mueller site is on the south side of Union, 23rd-22nd. Clearly, that immediate area could use some investment. Glad to see it’s getting some time and creative community use.

  2. “This is a nice idea – as for me I am hopeful the holding pattern is coming to a close soon.

    The cleanup on the Deanos soil is coming along pretty much as planned, as is the similar cleanup at Union Street – too bad the neighbors can’t see the subsurface results!

    Denise, who usually handles the above-ground cleaning, is out on holiday so I am connecting with our vendors to take care of it.”

  3. I go by here all the time and the greenery doesn’t really bother me. I still enjoy the art installation.

  4. If anyone has ideas for this property and we can get permission to make improvements from the owner, we can most likely help you with a team of Community Court service workers (please see Led by our fabulous and awesome AmeriCorps Team, misdemeanor offenders are able to complete community service hours giving back to neighborhoods in lieu of jail time. Our crews are generally between 6 and 12 participants completing a full day’s work. We can come once or schedule two to three days a month.
    Please email me at [email protected] if you have ideas and want to collaborate.

  5. The installation at 23rd and Union has worn out its audience, in my opinion. Stephanie, that sounds like a fantastic community building idea!

  6. If anyone has a lead on an owner of an empty lot who would be willing to put up an art installation or community garden let me know. I’d like to get involved in a project like this over the summer.
