(see also 3/7/12 Seattle Times article: How home-invasion suspect got out of prison sooner)
EDITOR’S UPDATE: A violent sex offender registered as living at 23rd and Dearborn has been arrested after allegedly breaking into a house rented by University of Washington women. Robert Hitt, 34, allegedly threatened the women with a knife and tied them with electrical tape, but police arrived and were able to arrest him.
Hitt was released from prison in January after serving ten years. He is registered as living at 23rd and Dearborn.
Beard, a 19-year-old sophomore, was awakened around 3:30 a.m. Monday, when the man burst into her second-floor bedroom, and Beard, figuring he was a friend of her roommates, yelled at him to get out. He did, and she locked her door, then heard him yell, “Get everyone in the house! I’m going to kill everyone!”
Moments later, one of her roommates knocked on her door and asked Beard to open it. She did and saw the man holding a knife to the roommate’s throat, she said.
He rounded up six of the eight young women who live in the house, forcing them into an upstairs bedroom and ordering them to lie facedown in a row. He bound the wrists of the first three girls with electrical tape, but ran out, Beard said.
He then grabbed a table lamp and yanked out the cord, causing sparks to fly, in an apparent attempt to use the cord to tie up the remaining girls, Beard said.
In the dark, Beard — whose hands hadn’t yet been tied — grabbed the serrated kitchen knife the man had left within reach and hid it under her body. As he searched for more tape, Beard was able to pass the knife to the last woman in the line.
“He was very amateur. He was messed up,” Beard said of the suspect, who she thinks may have been under the influence of drugs.
The woman who had hidden in her room opened the front door for Seattle police officers and directed them up the stairs, Beard said. The officers quickly got Hitt into handcuffs. It was unclear where the eighth roommate was.
Original post:
KING-5 reports: Sex offender breaks into UW house rented by female students.
The intruder broke through a side window, threatened the young women with a knife, and used duct tape to bind the hands of six of them.
Offender’s name given in article as “Robert Hit”, a level 2 offender.
King County Sex Offender website shows a level 2 offender, Robert Hitt (Two T’s) living in the 800 block of 23rd Avenue S.
- Same guy? (Hit vs Hitt). Seattle Times gives his name as Hitt and includes a photo that matches the Offender website.
- Website found 1 other offender in that block. Anyone know if there’s a facility there?
- Times notes that:
He completed a sex-offender treatment program and was released from prison Jan. 10 after the Indeterminate Sentence Review Board found he was at low risk to reoffend, according to Chad Lewis, a spokesman for the state DOC. The board could have extended his prison sentence in two-year increments, up to a maximum of life, court records show.
Hitt began community supervision upon his release from prison and had been compliant, completing another sex-offender treatment program last Thursday, Lewis said.
I’m curious – was this fellow originally a CD resident? If not, what is he doing here?????
Zebragirl – you should check out the King County Sex Offender website linked in the article above. You can search by area. It’s actually a really good source of much info.
But be warned – it’s going to freak you out. A lot.
Orly? You have to be an original CD resident to live here? lol
Zebragirl – I just re-checked the website and found 56 (!!!!!) sex offenders living within a mile of my house, here in the CD.
see what I mean?
Every time I say it Tom hates it but here I go again.
“Welcome to the containament zone” they have made out of the CD for decades! Time to end it!!
Now comes pow’s (or up or what ever this troll calls themselves for this post)comment…..
Ohhh wait Zebra Girl, there is more.. so much more. The new DESC Jail Facility will open the the CD’s Jackson Place Community. This facility will house violent mentally ill people who have been picked up off the streets by the police and instead of being taken to Harborview they come to the facility. These inmates will be, according to DESC, allowed, escorted, to take walks from the facility to parks. Also according to DESC, they will be escorted to the edge of the neighborhood, when they are released, to find their own way back to where they came or where they want to go.
Anybody still want to ask why I actively support the second ammendment? Your dumb if you don’t have one and know how to use it.
Looks like a guy I would be happy to chat with and have a beer. I wonder if you could sense the creepness or not on a normal day.
my understanding is that they are released back into the community where they came from. but i could be wrong about that.
one thing i know that IS wrong is “eyes” assertion that the DESC facility will “house violent mentally ill people”. If the person has a history of violence or is exhibiting any unstable behavior they will not be allowed into the facility and instead go to jail or Harborview.
the facility is not a “Jail” and their court case asserted that. nor is the CD a “containment zone” — other than it contains a few folks with some wacky ideas…
Read the DESC Jail Facility description DESC submitted in the court documents. It is a jail. With 6 million on the line for the city, any court can be pressured or bought. This was debated in the CD news we do not need another string of pro and con debate. The only “wacko” is the JP Resident who is denial.
In response to your original question, Zebragirl, this Seattle Times update says he was living in the U District when he committed his 2001 rape. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2017682126_i
Don’t know if he has ties to the neighborhood, but he wasn’t living here when he was originally arrested.
As of a few minutes ago (9:45am) there were three cop cars parked outside of a house at 20th and Dearborn (800 block) across from the MLK Daycare. It might be unrelated or maybe this guy lived on 20th not 23rd? Couldn’t help but notice the similar addresses.
the Seattle Times website put his address as 98122, so that would be 23rd PLAIN, not 23rd SOUTH. My guess is he gave a false address, but not able to chaneg his identity
Yeah, the sex offender registry site has 98122, too. If they were wrong about the S, then that would be Columbia/23rd. Hmm…
The DESC will be housing poeple just like this. There will be grotesque and obscene ritualistic horrors, rapes and murders occuring one every block. We must adopt a zero tolerance policy on perverts and fiends in our homes.