Good morning CD Community, I hope this day finds you all well.
I wanted to make everyone in the Business community, and home owners aware that there have been a rash of burglaries in the CD. It was brought to my attention that The Last Waltz was broken into last week, and that Katy’s corner was also broken into a couple of weeks ago. Well yesterday morning between the hours of 12:30 AM to 1:30 AM Tougo Coffee Co was targeted. The culprits broke in through the front door stealing the coin box. We do have an alarm system which thankfully links up with the Seattle PD, and ADT so it was only a matter of minutes before the Police did show up.
I am posting this as the entire community needs to be aware that we will see more and more crime happening has the as we continue to struggle with a declining economy. I think we should all be aware, and be able to collaborate with one another to keep our neighborhood safe from break-ins, or worse.
If you do not have an alarm system it would be wise to do so, and even setup a little video camera over the web so you can have live feed to give to Seattle PD.
Thanks guys.