“The Seattle School District overpaid employees more than $187,000 and violated state open meetings laws, according to a June audit of the school district conducted by the Washington State Auditor’s Office”
The Auditor’s report, which can be found here, indicated: that the district may have misused $1.8 million in capital funds to pay for a small business development program; that 23 percent of fuel purchased by employees using school district fuel cards during 2008 was being purchased between 1 a.m. and 4 a.m. by employees who weren’t working at the time; and of 120 district assets that the auditor selected for review, the auditor’s office was unable to locate 28, including printers, laptops and desktop computers.
School district officials said changes in its open meetings policy, credit-card use and record-keeping are being instituted.
I’d like to call out two more infuriating details contained in the Auditor’s report:
“The Seattle School District did not report all known or suspected losses of public funds or assets to the State Auditor’s Office as required by law.
Five times in the last six years, we have reported the District does not comply with this reporting requirement.”
“The Seattle School District used capital project funds, which are restricted by state law, to pay for unallowable expenditures.
The District used more than $1.8 million in capital project funds to pay program costs from September 1, 2007, through August 31, 2009. According to the Manual, this money may be used only for purchasing land or buildings; constructing buildings, equipment purchases, energy audits and capital improvements identified during those audits. and technology systems and other capital improvements, such as roof replacements. The program’s activities are not consistent with purposes allowed by state law.”
Read the entire report to find out how our tax dollars are being mismanaged and stolen from our children.