I will be perfect, judgmental, condescending, short sighted, uninterested, from now on.
Where I live will determine my degree of observation. I will only observe within my neighborhood, even if I do venture out into greater Seattle, I vow never to share my perspective. I see nothing.
Great ones, I love squallier and injustice, desire conflict and gangs running the streets.
I will waste the time of those in charge of protecting me, and keep them from murder cases.
I will incite criticism from the great sages of our time, here in this arena.
My comments will be useless, baseless, out of context, from the view house I live in and from my moving car in the strip mall.
Where I live, determines my opinions value if any, despite being a person.
My only desire is to be as self important and omniscient as my fellow citizens here.
Stereotyped and stripped of any value to society I submit to those vacant souls that share the miniscule perspective their brain cells can muster.
Please do not empathize or feel, I am just a cry baby with nothing important to the self appointed pompous scribes here within.
Kiss my grits and I will smile as I drive by and you are in a tank of piranhas.