Intruder spotted in my back yard!

For residents of 25th Avenue and Spring Street: Wed.  7 pm, a neighbor spotted a young man, under 6 ft. tall, late teens, African-American, blue sweatpants and red windbreaker, walking through my yard (which is fenced) and possibly trying doors.  No break-in evidence. He was last seen heading speedily E on Spring Street.


Tuesday night, Feb. 24, while President Obama was speaking to the nation, some neighbors met to rekindle community spirit in the Central District, by resuscitating the Central District Neighborhood Association. Gathering at the Union Street Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, the organizers discussed our history, activism of the past, large projects that transformed the community, and hopes for a great future.
Long-time community activist Jean Tinnea reminded us of the Union Street beautification project, and of the garden tours that had funded this effort. It was agreed that there is a place for such activism now, and that the neighborhood needed better representation in competing for resources with the city of Seattle. Other groups, such as the Squire Park Community Association, have a long tradition of activism and we hope to join them.
Presenting draft bylaws, Pearson Cummings acted as chair. It was decided to keep the description of neighborhood ‘boundaries’ very general, to encourage belonging. The audience acknowledged concerns about school closings, trash in the streets, the very discouraging burden of violence in the community, and the desire for socializing. The group talked about organizing a street cleanup and barbecue event for later on in the Spring.
There is plenty of room for collaboration with other groups on our issues. Next meeting is scheduled for 7 pm on Monday, April 6, at the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd. We will vote on officers and review and approve the draft bylaws.

Restaurant/Bar Proposed for Live-Work Building!3{2}at 25th and Union

20-some residents of 25th and Spring, Marion, 24th and 26th, got together Thursday night to talk with Erin Nestor and Rebecca Denk, owners of the successful Bottleneck Lounge. They are attempting to replicate the popular venue in the new live/work building at 25th and Union. Their proposal is for a small, quiet neighborhood place which would serve mainly walk-in diners, with a full liquor menu. By far supportive of the proposal, the audience asked about traffic, noise, problems with street drunks and drug users, and similar issues which might arise with such a combo. Erin and Rebecca were very upfront about their plan, acknowledging the issues raised, and receptive to ideas from the neighbors about possible ways to deal with them. Some attendees at the meeting were hostile to the idea of a bar in a residential neighborhood, and apparently plan another community meeting in opposition.
People who are interested in this idea can write to the Liquor Control Board in support (or opposition) to a restaurant/bar in the neighborhood: Washington State Liquor Control Board Licensing and Regulation, PO Box 43098, Olympia, WA 98504-3098, Attention: Dean Lau. Mention Liquor License #403447