Author Archives: JohnS
Car2go free registration available
Car2go is a new car sharing program starting in Seattle on Dec 19. It is different than Zipcar in that you don’t/can’t reserve cars, just find one that is available, walk up and check it out. Also different than Zipcar, you drop it off anywhere in the “home area”. Grab it from your neighborhood, drive to a friend’s house and park it on the street, and you are done. It is termed a free floating car share program and it allows one-way trips. And you pay by the minute – $.38/min with a maximum of $14/hour.
For a limited time, you can join for free (normally a $35 one time fee) and receive 30 minutes of free driving. Just follow the link at the end of this post, and they will provide you with the free code on the page.
The home area is Seattle, south of 125th ave, north of McClellan st and excludes all of West Seattle. Many people (myself included) are disappointed that the home area does not include all of Seattle. But we can change that. If you live outside of the home area, please join today while it is free. And share with any friends who live outside the home area. Car2go has said that if it sees high demand in other neighborhoods, it will expand. It expanded in Portland when this happened. So let’s show them!
Alleycat Acres new space @ MLK/Cherry
Read all about it on their Web page here:
That lot has been empty for at least the last ten years. Will be great to see it growing forth!
Transportation/Social Justice Forum @ Douglass Truth 4/27 10:30 AM
With sincere apologies for the last-minute post (I just heard about this myself 10 minutes ago):
The Citizen’s Transportation Advisory Committee III (CTAC-III) is hosting a roundtable discussion regarding transportation and social justice at the Douglass Truth Library tomorrow. Please come give us input. 10:30 – 11:30AM.
Again, that’s tomorrow, Wednesday, April 27th, from 10:30 to 11:30 AM at the Douglass Truth Library (on Yesler, if you’re not familiar with that awesome facility).
Election Night tour of Yesler Terrace
Join Seattle City Councilmember Nick Licata and Seattle Housing Authority Executive Director Tom Tierney for a Walk & Talk through the Yesler Terrace neighborhood.
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
(Event details below.)
Community leaders will lead a short walk, stopping at three locations to illustrate Yesler Terrace’s future redevelopment opportunities, specifically with regard to walkability, connectivity and access to area amenities.
Feet First Walk & Talk events are designed to showcase area redevelopment that incorporates features to promote walking and to make people more aware of the importance of walkable communities.
Walk & Talk participants will have the unique opportunity to learn how the Yesler Terrace neighborhood will be transformed into a more walkable and livable area.
The walk will end with a reception.
Here are the details:
$10 for Feet First members/ $15 for non-members
Become a Feet First member today!
Get your ticket !
5:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Meet at the Yesler Community Center
(917 E Yesler Way, Seattle, WA, 98122-5417)
Walk & Talk
5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
The walk will last approximately one hour with three stops along the way to discuss project details.
6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
The walk will follow with a reception at the Jessie Epstein Building. The Walk & Talk reception is sponsored by Madison Market/Central Co-Op, PCC and generous donations from Feet First board members.
For more information, please contact:
Julia Heo
Feet First Walk & Talk Coordinator [email protected] 206.652.2310
Bike boxes coming to 12th Avenue!
SDOT is in the process of installing new “bike boxes” at 12th & Pine, with a second coming to 12th & Madison. Bike boxes are designed to make it easier for bikes to ride with traffic, allowing them to get ahead of cars at an intersection when the light is red and then get out first when the light turns green. This helps everyone move along more safely and efficiently, and is a technique already used in various European countries, NYC, and our neighbors to the south in Portland, among others.
Street improvements coming to 23rd by Garfield
The official documentation is here:
Significant repairs and improvements around the Garfield “super block” including Medgar Evers, the Community Center and the playground/ballfields. Also a new raised crosswalk on Cherry headed north to the Nova building.
Planting on Union this Sunday
For all of you who helped with the last go-round of planting in the strips along Union, it’s time for round 2, aka “get those plants out of Jean’s back yard before they perish!”
We’ll meet at the Shell/Easy Auto Repair lot at 21st & Union at 11 this Sunday, the 20th. Gloves and hand tools are nice to have. Look forward to seeing you there!
Plant, weed, clean up – and free pizza and beer!
I just put an event in the calendar, but in case you aren’t looking there – this Saturday, April 3rd, is your chance at free pizza and beer courtesy of Central Cinema – all you need to do is come out and help us weed, clean, and re-plant the Union Street Public Gardens! Come plant, weed and pick up litter along E Union St 1-4pm this Saturday, April 3rd. Meet at 23rd & Union at 1pm.
We have plants ordered to fill in the gaps in our Union Street Public Gardens along E Union from 20th-23rd Avenues. IMPORTANT: Please provide your own gloves, shovels, trowels and litter grabbers. We’ll provide instructions, planting maps, compost bags for weeds and litter bags for trash.
Will Little at Cortona Cafe is offering hot or cold tea for us during the afternoon. Then there’s beer and pizza at Central Cinema at 4:30-5pm-ish as your thank you, along w/ a showing of The Secret Garden. So go home, wash up, get your spouse, partner, kids and come back for a party!!
“This project is funded in part by a Neighborhoods Matching Fund award of the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods.” Many thanks to DON, Keith Geller Landscape Architect, Will Little Cortona Cafe, Allison Cummings & John Stewart plant counters extraordinaire & Kevin & Clinton Central Cinema. And huge thanks to Jean Tinnea, without whom this project wouldn’t be happening.