What was that? About 5 min ago something made quite a noise and an even bigger shockwave – shook my house and made my front door slam back and forth. It happened twice – the first time it sounded like something was dropped on my roof. Was it the substation? I’m right down the street from it and they are working there…. (power is still on though)
Author Archives: cdphotog
Cyclists and I-90 Tunnel Safety
You may have seen on the Police Scanner that there was another commuter mugging in Sam Smith Park. As this is about the 5th time in a year that a cyclist has been attacked, Cascade Cycling Club and the City of Seattle are going to be at the Park next Tuesday (March 10th) from 4 pm to 6 pm, to provide safety information and talk to cyclists about how to make the park, and our commutes safer.
They also would like to know if anyone else has been mugged or had a close call, even if it was not reported to the police.
more information can be found on the Cascade fourms http://www.cascade.org/Community/forum/messageview.cfm?catid