A CDNews reader says it took two calls to the police before officers realized the man sleeping near Peppi’s Playground was a wanted suspect who allegedly stabbed his mother earlier this week in her 18th and Madison apartment.
We called 911 last night because my son and his friends found someone matching this description sleeping in the woods by Peppi’s Park. When they went to play in the woods today after school, the man was still there in the same spot. We again called the police. This time they showed up and are saying that it was Kevin Ross.
I fell really frustrated that the police didn’t respond to the call last night.
Police confirm they have arrested Kevin Ross, the suspect in the case. More details from the Blotter:
Patrol officers have arrested the 34-year-old male suspect who stabbed his mother at her Central District apartment early yesterday morning.
At approximately 3:45 p.m. this afternoon officers responded to Peppis Park located at 32 Avenue and East Spruce Street for the report of a suspicious subject sleeping in the park. Upon further investigation the officers determined it was the suspect wanted in yesterday’s stabbing. Officers took the suspect into custody without further incident.
UPDATE: Ross has been charged with assault. From the King County Prosecutor:
34 year-old Kevin Ross has been charged with one Count of Assault in the First Degree Domestic Violence for Stabbing his mother on April 23rd. Ross has a prior convcition for Assaul in the Second Degree. He was apprehended by Seattle Police yesterday. He is currently being held on $500,000 bail. He will appear for arraignment on May 7th at 9:00am in Courtroom 1201 in the King County Courthouse. If convcited he faces a minimum of approximately 13 years in prison.
UPDATE 4/26: SPD has responded to the commenter’s claim at the start of this story with the following clarifying information. We are attempting to follow-up with the anonymous caller for more information about the reported first call:
In an effort to clear-up any misunderstandings I want to explain the efforts taken by the Seattle Police Department to locate Mr. Ross following the brutal attack on his mother and clarify that the only call we received on April 23rd, 2013 concerning his whereabouts, directed officers to Nora’s Woods not Peppi’s Playground.
On April 23rd, 2013 at approximately 4:33 AM a sergeant and at least nine patrol officers from the East Precinct responded to the stabbing call and were quickly joined by a canine unit. Officers established containment and the canine unit attempted a track but was unsuccessful. Officers conducted an extensive area check but could not locate the suspect, Mr. Ross.
East Precinct Command called for all available SWAT Officers to assist with the search while Community Police Team (CPT) Officers responded to the hospital to address victim safety concerns. Once those concerns were appropriately resolved, CPT Officers joined the search for Mr. Ross, who was known to frequent parks in the East Precinct. Additionally, a “Be On the Look Out” (BOLO) was issued citywide for Mr. Ross via the computers in the patrol cars and broadcast over Radio. King County Metro Transit Authority was notified. Additional personnel from the Gang Unit were requested to expand the search effort. Officers contacted our Domestic Violence Unit and consulted with the lead detective who immediately authorized our Public Affairs Unit to disseminate Mr. Ross’ information publicly via our Department Blotter. East Precinct Officers across every watch continued searching for Mr. Ross when not engaged in 911calls.
On April 23rd, 2013 at 6:37 PM our Communications Section received a 911 call from an anonymous caller stating; In Nora’s Woods (LOCATION: 29 AVE & E. COLUMBIA ST)—Check for suspect wanted in stabbing. Complainant reporting that suspect has lived in these woods for two years. Has not seen him today. Last saw him two days ago. For unknown reasons but most likely because the caller reported the suspect wasn’t there presently, but was seen two days prior, the call was placed in the hold queue and officers weren’t dispatched until 7:46 PM. Once dispatched, the responding officers arrived at Nora’s Woods at 7:50 PM conducted a search and were unable to locate Mr. Ross.
On April 24th, 2013 at 2:57 PM our Communications Section received a 911 call from a caller directing officers to Peppi’s Playground located at 32nd Ave. & E. Spruce St. (nearly 7 blocks from Nora’s Woods) in order to; Remove a male who has been sleeping in the playground for two days. He was reportedly under a bush in a small wooded area. There was no description given. The Seattle Fire Department screened the call and declined to respond which is not uncommon. Due to call volumes and available staffing the call was placed in the hold queue approximately thirty-five minutes then dispatched at 3:32 PM. A Patrol Sergeant and an Officer arrived five minutes later. Mr. Ross was located and arrested without incident.
Each 9-1-1 call is given a priority of 1-3. “A man sleeping in the playground” would have been assigned a low priority, absent any other information (weapons, suspect involved in specific crime, crime in progress).
I hope the above explanation answers any questions and clarifies any misunderstandings members of the community may have had about our actions in this case. The Seattle Police Department is dedicated to preventing all crimes, but particularly those involving domestic violence such as this and bringing offenders to justice as quickly as possible.
Hi. I made a non-anonymous 911 call on April 23rd, 2013 at 8:55 PM stating that I recognized Kevin Ross as a man that I have seen in Peppi’s Woods before. The afternoon of the stabbing there was a man in the woods east of Peppi’s Playground that matched Kevin Ross’ description. I stated that if they were still looking for this man, that would be a good place to check.