After three years at MLK and Union, Green Plate Special is moving south to 25th and S Walker Street.
Among other benefits, the new location will be permanent and allow the youth education and empowerment organization to invest in a greenhouse and permanent cooking facilities.
The group’s three-year lease at its current location at MLK and Union is up at the end of the year. Owner the Madrona Company, a developer that has built several projects in the neighborhood, told CDNews it does not have any immediate plans for the property.
“In a couple of months, we’ll have a better idea,” said Marty Liebowitz of the Madrona Company.
More details on the move from the Green Plate Special blog:
There’s been talk, but we are making it official
Green Plate Special has a new permanent home in 2014
Thanks To….
The Mark and Susan Torrance Foundation for generously funding the garden and for their vision and belief in the importance of garden to table education
Thistledown LLC for providing a beautiful property to Green Plate Special, as our permanent home
New Digs…yes it’s a pun
2115 25th Avenue South, just behind our friends and program partners, Treehouse for Kids (seems we like corner lots)
2013 is our third and final year at the corner of Martin Luther King & East Union, the property we love so much! As of December 31st, 2013 we will have the last bulb removed from our old location and the garlic (hopefully) in the ground at our new location
The Garden comes first….Kitchen classroom is second -we need to raise capital funds for this, but we already have a building to work with! Your support is crucial!
Our current garden grew organically for 3 years with character, warmth and energy thanks to…our youth and volunteers who created it & from the community who supported and protected it
Our NEW GARDEN (and future kitchen classroom) will be a beautiful and sustainable teaching garden and urban “farm”
What will be the same?
Youth and neighborhood outreach and relationship building
Students experimenting and adding to the garden canvas
In-school, after school, summer programming
Rich and diverse curriculum based programs; tons of fun!
The current covered shelter will move with us
What will be different?
Big-beautiful shed & greenhouse
Bees, chickens, outdoor wood burning oven
Covered and uncovered gathering spaces, a “tranquil space” with benches and sundial
Bird baths, fruit trees, more raised beds and vertical growing opportunities
Lights, irrigation and a kitchen classroom for year-round programming
Teal Design the landscape design firm and GC for our garden
Environmental Works kitchen classroom architects, designers and permitting wizards
Madrona Company 3 year lease at our current location and the opportunity to get a great start on our mission
Treehouse for Kids helping us connect and create this new relationship. We are looking forward to FANTASTIC results!
Wood Stone Corporation for their generous donation of the wood burning oven
Let us be the first to welcome you to the neighborhood. Central City Farm Trust has a hoop house and farm just across the street. We share some of your goals as we want to support a healthy community.
Ray Williams