Today is the deadline to apply for the 23rd Avenue Action Plan Advisory Core Team.
What is the 23rd Avenue Action Plan? The Department of Planning and Development is working to develop a community vision to “improve the health and equity” in the neighborhood’s main commercial cores along 23rd Ave: Union, Cherry and Jackson.
This is separate from the upcoming repaving and complete streets redesign (an open house about that project is Saturday), but will certainly tie into the road work.
We’ll have more on the project soon, so stay tuned.
From the application document:
The purpose of the 23rd Avenue Action Plan project is to establish a city-community collaboration that creates a shared vision and action plan to improve the health and equity of three Central Area community cores: 23rd Avenue & E. Union Street; 23rd Avenue & E. Cherry Street; and 23rd Avenue S. & S. Jackson Street. The 2013 project will focus on these community cores to:
- Strengthen the community’s resilience so that its rich cultural heritage and diversity flourish
- Build community, business, and organization’s capacity to take action to achieve the shared vision
- Create livable, healthy and supportive places that provide equitable access to resources and opportunities
- Leverage public and private investments to create tangible, positive change that meets the needs of existing and new communities
Here’s the full document and how to apply: