EDITOR’S UPDATE: A man was seen firing a handgun at a vehicle near 27th and Spring around 9:15 p.m. Sunday night, according to police. No victims or property damage were located.
Several people called to report the shots. When police arrived at the scene, a witness flagged them down at MLK and Spring. She said she saw a man firing a large grey handgun at a car. The suspect is described as a black male in his 20s with a dark jacket and short hair.
Police recovered two shell casings at the scene.
Original post:
Just reported five or more gunshots….again. Near Union/MLK. This is the second time in three days. Third time in two weeks. This is getting me freaked out.
The shots were fired on the corner of 27th and Spring. No one was injured (they appear to have missed everything). Car sped away north on 27th, Maroon 4 door…
Thanks for the update.
Lovely. My corner again.
That corner has always had a lot of issues but it seems there has been an increase of activity over the past few weeks. I was saying to my husband a few days ago that I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a drive by soon. Sadly, I was right.
one of the worst corners in the CD!
I don’t suppose anyone has been arrested? Probably not, this is the CD afterall….
Last night around 9-10pm there were two shots fired on this corner. I turned on the police scanner and heard the police responding, but no indication that they figured out who it was. At some point they need to start getting their hands on these guns that keep going off and do some ballistics tests. Ugh!!!
I’m generally against the police-state taking away privacy, but I’d support cameras at Seattle’s worst intersections. Even the unmonitored, recording-only type would be useful at times like this.
This worked out well in cal anderson…
I agree :)
Seattle Police Department Homicide Unit is actively working the Justin Ferrari Murder.
We have seen comments from these posters in the CDN blog;
Mark, Bo, Lily 31 and Cherry, Harvey, Beverly.
Anyone else with any information, please call Detective Russ Weklych at the SPD homicide unit, 206-684-5567. Thank you for your help
Yes, Camera recordings would allow for identification of suspects and vehicles in the area. Possibly even catch some of the incidents on camera. Best if citizens can log in and review footage or watch live. Many eyes are better than no eyes.
One cannot hit nothing. Bullets land somewhere. Just time until more tragedy.
Lets put cameras in their neighborhoods but not in ours.
Let’s take their neighborhood and put them behind bars. With Cameras among other things.
Agreed, Shingles. I’m amazed that it hasn’t happened.
“Their” neighborhood? I’ve been here 35 years. It’s OUR neighborhood. All of us.
Right, they haven’t been arrested because it’s the CD. Because in every other neighborhood as soon as a gun is fired someone is arrested. Right. I am so sick of hearing people say shit like, of course it’s the CD. Take that nonsense somewhere else. Like Henderson st.
hey grumbo… how many names do you use on here?
Mostly just Grumbo – I think that is a hillarious character. I’ve played with Pillbox but can’t quite get that character as deranged as I had hoped. Not much of anything else. Once in a while when Tom gets on a censorship binge I toss in a character. The internet is fantasy land. The opinions expressed are valid. Not neccisarly representative entirely of the author.
I mean the criminals. We need to take more of it back from them. Just because they live here with mommy doesn’t mean it is their’s to shoot up. Conform or die. To some extent.
Here’s something each of us can do. Get your own webcam and point it out the front of your house or other appropriate location. Use the motion capture feature to only save frames when there’s activity. In the off-chance that something happens nearby, you might just catch the culprit as they pass your house. If many houses had this setup, we could figure out who the various actors are in short order.
Here’s a decent one: