Hello Neighborhood Parents and Caregivers,
Parent Trust for Washington Children (PTWC) is a locally-based, state-wide family support non-profit. We’re reaching out to our local community to let parents know about our free child developmental screening program. Screenings are designed for children ages 1-month to 5-years old, and explore large and fine motor development, communication, problem solving, and personal/social development. We also provide fun, interactive activities and answer parents’/caregivers’ concerns and questions. For more information, refer out our website: www.parenttrust.org/asq.
Also, we’d like to make mention of of PTWC’s most valuable resource: Family Help Line. Parents can call 1-800-932-4673 for parenting information, referrals to community services, and support. Call as often and as many times as wanted. We’re here and happy to help.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Hand in Hand,
Parent Trust for Washington Children