Big shout out to the wonderful 20+ volunteers who came out in full force to clean up our neighborhood, and braved this crisp, cold January Saturday. Thanks to your dedication, we collected over 5 super huge bags of garbage!! They are sitting at Hiawatha & Charles and I will be contacting SPU to pick them up Monday morning. Despite multiple phone calls and emails, it still takes them a few days to get things picked up, and I will be persistent.
So, hats off to:
- Raleigh
- Scott
- Ann*
- Scott
- Luke
- Margo*
- Judith*
- Oksana
- Vince*
- Liz
- Amanda
- Zach
- Heidi
- Tyler
- Gina
- Matilda
- Suresh
- Sean
- Nathan
- Ryan*
- Sola
- and Christa for making coffee :)
And a few other folks whose names I missed this morning. (SORRY!) GREAT WORK, EVERYONE!!!
* Denotes Jackson Place Community Council Board Members
Unbelievable turnout for a cold January day. Awesome job Margo and Alex!
Super awesome turnout, proud to be part of the neighborhood!