Rescued a pretty gray and white female tabby Christmas day who was stuck in tree at 33rd and Marion. Too scared to find it’s way home.
Please call or email if you have any info about owner: 206-650-3726 [email protected]
Video of the rescue:
Rescued a pretty gray and white female tabby Christmas day who was stuck in tree at 33rd and Marion. Too scared to find it’s way home.
Please call or email if you have any info about owner: 206-650-3726 [email protected]
Video of the rescue:
Thanks for caring enough to rescue this kittie; hopefully her owners will see this and notify you? Let me know if not, don’t send her to the pound or a kill shelter. Not sure how this works – can you let me know somehow, and I can give you my email address off blog?
Not that you would – obviously, duh!
Haven’t heard anything yet. We are hoping her owners may be away for the holidays and will notice kitty gone upon their return and contact us. If not, I guess we have a new family member :-)
I’m glad I was walking by that morning and also glad I still had all of my climbing gear packed from a recent trip. I hope you find her family, but I’m sure she’s in good hands regardless. Cheers to you guys for caring for her.
It was so amazingly great you guys were there! The kitty was so traumatized she wouldn’t eat or drink anything for almost 48 hours. She was so dehydrated we had to give her some subQ fluids. She is doing much better, and is now hanging out on the bed rather than hiding under it.