My bicycle was stolen last week out of my front yard, they had to come through a gate and cut a very large cable and not wake my dogs to do so. Today, I found the stereo in my truck was also stolen. The truck was parked on the street in front of my house and there is no sign as to how they got in. I have lived here for 6 years and haven’t had problems until now, looks like this kind of crime is up in the neighborhood. The bicycle was custom built and painted by me. It is green with white decals on it. If anyone sees it, please email me at [email protected], and lock all of your belongings down.
Thanks for reporting this. I also wanted to let CDnews readers know that on 10/21/11 two cars parked on E Olive St got their side mirrors bashed in. A neighbor came to my front door asking if I had seen anything and unfortunately I did not. Occured between 5:30 and 6:30pm. Police were called and a report was filed.
The UMOJA Peace Center had 5 bikes stolen from their property in early September and I had a bike taken from my front porch a few weeks later on the same block. While it’s unlikely the police will recover it, I’d urge you to at least file an electronic report with SPD – it’s pretty easy and straightforward. Someone’s clearly been targeting bikes as none of our other (presumably more valuable property) was taken.
Anyone missing a bicycle should immediately go down to the Recycle Depot on Rainier Ave. and see that the metal theives have smashed it and turned in the metal for a few dollars.
definetly watch out for the porch pirates, they will come through your gate and start taking anything that isnt bolted down, their philosphy is if it looks old and not used to them, they its game. ive caught them twice in the act, and they will always play dumb, but they will have a pick up truck rigged, and full of crap. they’re are a couple of them.
We had the catalitic converter stolen off our truck and then about a month later they took the stereo. Our truck is old so it doesn’t have an alarm, I think that it why it was a target.