Last night around 9:30 I was out walking east on the south side of cherry up the hill to 34th. About 10 yards past the bus stop near 31st there were two men in black hoodies standing in the shadows on either side of the sidewalk. When I walked past them, one of them grabbed me and jammed what felt like a gun into my side. They forced me onto the ground and rooted through my pockets. They took my wallet and keys (they asked but I wasn’t carrying my phone) and then fled on foot. The police were informed, but no leads.
same place in the year 1966 2 hooded men approached me and my cousin and demanded money. i pulled out a 45 auto and they ran like hell. lol
Hoodies are for cold weather. When worn otherwise the are for conceilment of criminals. The idea that wearing a hoody is normal behavior is silly. The sight of hooded individuals should be considerred threatening. Whether they be white pointed hoods, sweatshirts, ski masks, anarchist bandannas over the face, or executioners masks. When you are near a hooded person – you are in danger. Unless it is very cold or raining and the hood makes sense for the condition and activity. I happen to like skittles, but, the hoods are a threat to civilization.