N’hood U. is neighbors who have something they’d like to teach collaborating with neighbors who have something they’d like to learn, and making it happen. Outside of the blog pages, instructors/facilitators and learners are responsible for all logistics, costs, and quality control.
There have been two sessions in the past years, and you can find the list of classes that were offered at nhoodu.blogspot.com
If you have a class you’d like to teach, or an event you’d like to set up on a one-time, or reoccurring basis, contact Richard Wells, [email protected], with the following info:
Name of Class/Event
Instructor’s Name
Short Description
When: Starting date, frequency, end date if there is one
Contact name, phone number, email
A short bio of the instructor, facilitator, host, whatever…
Deadline for class offerings is October 10th.
Don’t hold back, these need not be formal classes, e.g., if you love Shakespeare, documentaries, or movie musicals, host a DVD of the month; if you want to “stitch n’ bitch,” set it up; want to put together a kayaking group, or a Metallica appreciation night, go for it – send your ideas, I”ll post them, and go for a wide distribution of the info.
It’s your Neighborhood University!