The short summer is coming to an end and we’re wrapping up the Colman Community Harvest… but before we completely disappear into our warm houses for winter wanted to CELEBRATE! …and start thinking about next spring.
Saturday, OCTOBER 8
We’re organizing a full day of cool urban sustainability classes and events centered around Judkins Park and the Colman Neighborhood and we need your help.
9:30 – 12:00 Chicken Coop Tour: See different in-city solution to raising chickens and quail, learn about the many breeds of chickens being kept here in the CD and the awesomeness and work involved in keeping chickens.
12:00-1:00 Sandwiches and Cake Lunch hosted in Colman Neighborhood
1:00-5:00 Classes hosted by your neighbors to teach you stuff you might want to know! Most classes will just under 2 hours each, so you have time to walk to a different house and learn about something different!
Here are two that are confirmed:
Butchering Your Old Hen at Home: Getting Your Chickens into the Soup Pot (2 sessions, 8 people max, and confidential to the ladies who mentioned they had the old hens at the CD Foraging Tour: we need them! )
Lacto-Fermentation and Making Your Own Saurkraut
We’re working on getting classes together on xeriscape gardening, beer making, preserves, cloches and greenhouses to extend the winter season…BUT WHAT WE NEED IS YOU TO TEACH THEM!
We’re looking for folks south of Yessler:
1. Who have a chicken coop, other “livestock” (goats or rabbits anyone?) or bees that we can include on our tour map. You just need to be home between 9:30 and 12:00 for visitors and to answer questions about whatever it is you have set up for your animals.
2. Who have a skill they can teach that other neighbors could learn and benefit from!
Our idea is that most of these classes are taking place in homes around this end of the CD and are free… We know that to be most effective, some might need to have limited and our idea is that we have two sessions so that folks can try different things and meet new people. But just because that is our idea, doesn’t mean we’re not open to your idea! You have an idea but don’t have a location, maybe we can figure that out.
You want to organize a nature walk of Frink Park? You want to put together an old-timey fiddle jam?You want to get a group of folks together to teach each other some new knitting tricks or paper-making? Let us know: we’re just trying to coordinate many activities on the same day on this end of the CD with the idea that the best way to build a sustainable neighborhood is one where neighbors share their skills and passions with others.
Please contact Knox Gardner if you have a coop, have a something to teach or something you want to learn!