Seattle Police busted a burglar August 12 after he allegedly robbed a home near 11th and Terrace, according to the SPD Blotter:
On 8/12/11, at approximately 2:00 p.m., officers responded to the 1100 block of E. Terrace St., to a victim reporting that a suspect had just attempted to break into his home. The suspect took off running when he saw the victim inside the house. An officer spotted a subject matching the suspect’s description in the nearby area. When the officer attempted contact with the suspect, the suspect fled on foot. The officer gave chase as additional units responded to assist.
The suspect was then spotted a few times running thru and in-between yards. Bike patrol officers located the suspect hiding underneath a small vehicle. He was taken into custody without incident. The victim positively identified the suspect. The suspect was in possession of a backpack which revealed evidence of another earlier unreported burglary (stolen lap top and other items). This victim was contacted and a report taken. (His door had been kicked in).
The suspect was later booked into King County Jail for Investigation of Burglary and Possession of Stolen Property.
Also on the Blotter, SPD caught a man who apparently stole $4 hair clippers from the Grocery Outlet on MLK:
On August 11th, an East Precinct officer was dispatched to a grocery store in the 1100 Block of Martin Luther King Jr. Way for a shoplifting complaint. The victim grocer stated that the store had video surveillance of a suspect entering the store empty handed and wandering the store. The suspect then left camera view briefly and returned with something in his hands that he put into a pocket. The grocer confronted the suspect at the door, but the suspect denied stealing anything and left. The grocer stated that this suspect is a chronic shoplifter. The officer reviewed the video and then wrote a report.
Several hours later, while patrolling his beat, the same officer noticed a subject of similar description and contacted him. The officer was able to engage the suspect in conversation and the suspect admitted to being in the store, but initally denied stealing anything. The officer discovered a local warrant in the system for the suspect, so placed him under arrest for that. During a search incident to arrest, the officer discovered a trace amount of drugs on the suspect. After advising the suspect of his Miranda warnings, the suspect eventually admitted that he stole a hair clipper, worth about $4.00. The 48 year old suspect was later booked into the King County Jail.
The following day, at the start of his shift, the officer returned to the store to inform the grocer of the arrest and initiate the trespass admonishment for the suspect. The grocer stated that they have video of the suspect shoplifting from the store on numerous occasions. This information may assist precinct detectives solve several of their open theft cases as a result of this incident. While not a substantial arrest in terms of offense classification or dollar amount, it did go a long way to resolve a local community problem. The officer’s supervisor spoke to the complainant, who summed it up when she said ”You guys rock!”
Believe it or not, many people do not call the police in situations like this. Once the criminal has run off it can seem as though it is not an emergency anymore. Result is these guys are emboldenned and on the loose. Remember to report all suspicious characters and apparent criminals. There is no harm in reporting or asking police to check into things. Thanks – that is one criminal who knows we are watching. Also, we SPD to start posting pictures of the perps. These guys are revolving door criminals. We should get to know them. It will prove good for the criminal to be prevented from commiting crime and good for our nieghborhood.
Man, your trolling endeavors are incomprehensible. When you see that red squiggly line under the word you just typed it means SOMETHING’S WRONG. Don’t even get me started on your bizarre way of putting words together to make a “sentence”. LOL.
Pay attention to your surroundings. These guys are typically not very subtle and if you see someone who looks suspect, they probably aren’t up to any good. Don’t allow your block to be an easy target. Nice job to the resident who helped one of these dirtbags get caught. Hopefully it’s an extended stay.
Indeed. What is so controversial or trollish about thanking a good citizen for a job well done. Being involved is the critical first step.
Yo Shotato. Do you have anything to say that is constructive or relavent? Glad you did so well in the 6th grade. I thought is was pretty dull and full of nerds like you trying to say the nothing the right way rather than actually doing something. Go hide in the librarians office while the rest of us have a good time. Loser.