Freeway Park is Revived!
The Jim Ellis Freeway Park Neighborhood Association has been working hard for 18 years to increase community involvement in their park and create a place where people feel safe to gather, walk and enjoy the unique urban environment.
The FP Neighborhood Association was just awarded a Small and Simple grant by the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods toward the development of a park map, brochure and touring program. Please come and participate in this continuing conversation and help support your downtown neighborhood!
Tuesday March 8, 4-6:30pm
Seattle First Presbyterian Church
1013 8th Ave
Seattle, WA 98104
John Ellis is a maze! but I’m not sure how much a map would help. Seems like the target audience is convention goers and little dogs that live in Condo towers?
I love the Seattle parks in the CD and nearby- lots of little green patches and some shinto-gorgeous big parks (like Sam Smith, The Arboretum, Frink, and Colman) that always seem to be empty when I visit. It’s nice to see posts like this one and other weekend walk ideas up on the blog ( http://centraldistrictnews.com/2010/07/02/your-weekend-walk-).