“Stop Foreclosure, yellow signs “
First the sign is not mine but is alarming – please read the correct information below”
Making Home Affordable is a free help program that the OBAMA adminstration put together to help you or a family or neighbor. It is free – HAFA
You do not need to list your house to get the help and first off listing your house could compromise your ability. Call your Bank who has your mortgage and ask about the MAKING HOME AFFORDABLE PROGRAM.
Here is what you need to know:
Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternative (HAFA) Program
The HAFA program was designed to give homeowners alternatives to a foreclosure, which include incentives for completing a short sale. If your home sale can close as a HAFA transaction, you will emerge owing no deficiency. However, it can be very difficult to qualify as a HAFA transaction. For more information on the options available, visit the HAFA program website www.makinghomeaffordable.gov/hafa.html
To find the option for which you may be eligible.
See www.makinghomeaffordable.gov/eligibility.html
To find out if your mortgage servicer participates in the HAFA program go to www.makinghomeaffordable.com/contact_servicer.html
For More Information, Visit
: The Washington Department of Financial Institutions website: www.dfi.wa.gov