Neighbors are needed (please attend) to advocate for improvements to telecommunications services in underserved neighborhoods. We call the current situation “digital redlining” and everyone wants it changed. New initative will be announced to upgrade telecommunications services in underserved areas – Central Area, parts of Leschi, Queen Anne, downtown, Beacon Hill, Judkins Park.
When: TUES., Nov. 16, 5:30 pm – 7 pm
Where: Central Area Senior Center, 500 30th Ave. South 98144
Info: [email protected] 206-322-8613
“Closing the Technology Gap Caused by City & Broadstripe Contract”
- John Bjorn, Broadstripe, Vice President, Regional Operations
- Tony Perez, News from City of Seattle Dept. of Technology
- Jonathan Lawson, Reclaim the Media
- Information about Tacoma Click! (municipal broadband
Sponsored by Upping Technology for Underserved Neighbors (UPTUN) Upping Technology for Underserved Neighbors (UPTUN) — public meeting sponsoring representatives from Broadstripe, Reclaim the Media, City of Seattle, and City of Tacoma. The event focuses on Broadstripe’s lower quality and higher priced services within a franchise agreement with the City of Seattle. With other communication carriers in all other city neighborhoods, there is no similar contract. Meeting held at 5:30 pm – 7 pm, the Central Area Senior Center, 500 30th Ave. South 98144. “Digital redlining” is the term UPTUN uses to describe the current franchise agreement which binds consumers to using Broadstripe and discourages competition by other internet, cable and phone providers. The meeting is open to customers, businesses and residents within the boundaries of the franchise agreement between the city of Seattle and Broadstripe. Affected areas include parts of the Central District, Beacon Hill, Leschi, Queen Anne, downtown, Pioneer Square and Judkins Park. These are “underserved” neighborhoods for obtaining competitive digital cable, phone and internet services. The UPTUN volunteer advocacy group holds meetings each quarter to ensure that improvements promised to the community are completed on schedule. Since 2007, UPTUN’s group of volunteers from within underserved neighborhoods have worked with the City of Seattle and Broadstripe to obtain reliable cable, phone and high-speed internet services at an affordable cost, similar to other neighborhoods in Seattle and other cities in the United States. “This is economic and racial injustice left over from previous decades and everyone wants it fixed! We are committed to getting better internet, cable and phone service which is competitively priced. Our neighbors, households and businesses in parts of the Central District, Capitol Hill, Judkins Park, Leschi and Beacon Hill have suffered many years with lesser services than any other areas in Seattle”, says UPTUN Coordinator, Tracy Bier. Broadstripe is a Missouri based privately held company providing residential and business customers digital cable and broadband internet communication products. For more information contact UPTUN Coordinator Tracy Bier via phone 206-227-2369 or email [email protected] or visit www.uptun.orgFor more information about the Broadstripe and city of Seattle contract, visit City of Seattle web site
I have to work, otherwise I would be at this meeting. I am so sick of Broadstripe’s services. I always lose connection around 11:30pm, and after that have consistent packet los for an hour or two. It always happens when I need to use the internet (job searches, entertainment) and everytime I ask them to dispatch out, they cancel saying they found a problem with the equipment.
If I had ANY other viable alternative I would drop Broadstripe in an instant!
Up until the last few months I have always defended Broadstripe, however I can no longer do that since their service has become so horrible. (Note: broadstripe ahs never once said there was anything wrong with my house wiring when troubleshooting)