We had a great time last Thursday on the rooftop of 1404 E. Yesler Way. Thanks to all who attended our Open House. It was a wonderful event, with food and beverages generously provided by Afrikando Afrikando and Hale’s Ales. I was delighted to meet many of our constituents and was warmed by the passionate commitment so many have for the CD Forum’s work and importance to the Seattle Community.
What a wonderful city!
If you weren’t able to join us, we hope to see you at our 10th Anniversary Bash 10th Anniversary Bash Challenging the Definition of Black Thursday, October 1, 2009 6:30pm at Sole Repair. Tickets: $10 general admission, 21+ event. There will be short performances by past and present CREATION Project artists, including Gin Hammond, Chad Goller-Sojourner, Storme Webber and SoulChilde BlueSun, and we’ll also share a toast to Stephanie Ellis-Smith for her clarity of vision in starting the CD Forum. I look forward to seeing you there.
Missed the Open House? Check out artist Robert Wade’s amazing photographs at ‘Round About Seattle, http://robertwadephoto.blogspot.com/.