Noticed on the daily dog walk this morning that there are several large trucks parked along both Alder St. and Fir St. between 26th and 27th Avenues, including 4 large tractor trailer trucks emblazoned with the words “Serving the Motion Picture Industry” on Alder St. Appears to be a generator on Fir St. and a truck for studio sound on 26th Ave. near Fir St. The intersections around both Alder and Fir and 26th have been posted with no parking signs (for Thurs 3pm through tonight at 10pm) the past couple of days before these trucks all arrived in the night.
Any scoop on what may be getting filmed here in the Central District / Garfield neighborhood? Did I miss the memo somehow? Just curious to know!
Update by scott: We just walked over and did some sleuthing, and found out that they are filming for The Details, “A black comedy about a couple whose disagreements over how to deal with their raccoon infestation leads to an escalating series of events.” Its got some big name stars too, including Tobey Maguire (Spiderman), Ray Liotta (Field of Dreams, Goodfellas), Elizabeth Banks (40 year old virgin, Scrubs), and Dennis Haybert (24).
But don’t get too excited about seeing someone famous. No stars were visible while we were at the scene, and we were told, without asking, that photos, videos, or interviews with stars would require approval of the production company and the stars’ publicist ahead of time.
They’re filming at the Upper Room Church, which now has a replacement star of David on its peak, and they’ve invited a bunch of snapily-dressed church members to be extras in the movie. A production assistant told me this is their only day at this location, and they have about two weeks left of filming in Seattle.
It’s a huge production, with large trailers full of wardrobe, equipment, and presumably stars taking up on-street parking as far as a block away. And there’s scores of ever-annoyed, headset-equipped production assistants that will be none too happy to see you and work to keep you at a safe distance from the action.
Hopefully the production leaves The Upper Room in good shape. The Seattle Times previously reported how the movie trashed a woman’s home and didn’t initially follow up on promises to fix things up. Based on the number of people and equipment on the set, we’re guessing they’ve cleared up any issues with funding.

I’m curious too. There are signs for CREW parking around the church at 24th & Washington.
I just spoke to what I assume was a production assistant coming out of one of the trailers lining 27th north of Fir. They are using the church at 26th & Fir as a site for scenes in “The Details.” This indie film starring Tobey Maquire was previously filming other scenes up in Montlake.
I noticed people gathering in front of the Upper Room church as I was leaving for work shortly after posting the story, as well as a bunch more trucks lining 27th Ave. Guess that explains why they have been sprucing up the Upper Room church recently.
We live just a block away from the church and received a flyer in our mailbox 2 days ago about the production with a request to cooperate with the No Parking signs. The trucks all arrived very late last night with a lot of noise and people and cars blocking the streets. I checked things out this morning on my dog walk and there are trucks all over the place. I liked the trailers with tape on the doors that literally read “Hair” and “Makeup”.
I could use help with my “hair” and “makeup”–do you think they’re doing community-building freebies?
JRo, the best thing about your post is that you kept hair and makeup in quotes, as though you need help with your so-called “hair” — love it.
We may have to start giving out prizes for funniest comments. JRO would be the front-runner for this week
Thanks guys. I do have hair, but it’s probably the “hair style” that needs quotes..
I live 2 houses down and we got no notice whatsoever. They blocked my driveway and made it impossible for garbage/yardwaste/recycling pick up today. The crew keeps walking through my yard, hanging out on my lawn, and leaving shit in our yard.
I am 99% sure this is the same outfit that rented the ladies home in Montlake to film in then sort of did not follow through as promoised and it was left all torn apart. I think the movie had lost funding or something and she got left holding the bag. Fortunately, they got their act together and all she ended up with her house being returned to her in a better condition. But when they were in Montlake they had a bunch of roads blocked off and monitored. I was wondering why they needed so much room – unless there was going to be a mob scene filmed I did not see how they needed to block so many roads.
Central District in a Starring Role?
Thats nice, but will it get the school dropout rate to lower, No!
Choose your priorities.