Sorry to post with bad news, but I’m hoping the CDNews eyes-on-the-street might help me recover my commuting bike. It was stolen off my (fenced and gated) back deck last night, in the 26th and Yesler area. It’s almost 20 years old, heavy, creaky, and worth maybe $30, but it was recently tuned up, the first bike I bought with my own money, and how I got to work and back these days.
It’s a black specialized cross/hybrid with dark pink lettering. There was a small rainbow pride flag decal and some really ancient toe straps patched in places with electrical tape. If you see it, I’d appreciate a heads-up to 206-372-7034.
I don’t know if you’ve recovered it yet, but last Sunday night –the same night your bike went missing- our three scooters (kids razor) were stolen from the back yard. The neighbors saw 5 kids grabbing them (and had run them off of stealing theirs as well) while we were home. They got away with ours, plus our neighbors bike. He was able to recover his bike, and we were able to recover one of our scooters since we saw the house the kids went into, and called the cops. Hopefully this won’t be a problem anymore, as I haven’t seen the kids around. The officer (who was actually pretty cool) said the parent was a “hands off kind of mom” and that they were going to be sending the kids to their uncles since they have been getting into a lot of trouble lately. I would look around the southwest corner of 26th and Washington, and try the police as well if you haven’t. They may be able to actually go look for you-that’s what they did for us. 26th has gotten bad lately with narc activity. Plus we had both our laptops stolen from our house (while my parter, kids and dogs were home). Ugh. Good luck to you.