From: Pat Murakami To: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 10:47:23 AM Subject: [MBCCCommunityNotices] IMMEDIATE ALERT –
31st Ave Area A young man of about high school age just went to a house in the 2300 block of 31st Ave S to ask a ‘sports question’. He did not identify himself to be with a school or doing a school project. He was carrying a clipboard and backpack. We believe he is casing houses where no one is home, particularly in light of the recent breakins. 9-1-1 has been called and they are dispatching a patrol car to try to find the young man. Please stay alert. Answer his knock but DO NOT OPEN your door. Talk to him through the door. Call 9-1-1 if he comes to your home and give as good a description as possible and the direction the young man heads after leaving your property.
Pat Murakami
If you make a similar call in the CD the 911 operator will tell you, after thay ask the address, that they can not do anything uless they are committing a crime. This has happened over the phone several times as of late. Neighborhoods do matter to 911.
From: “Pat Murakami”
two homes in that block were broken in to. This was the 2300 block, one house facing 31st and the other house right behind it facing 30th. It is highly likely this young man will strike again. He’s taking laptops and small things he can fit into his backpack.
Description: A young very light skinned 15-18yr old (my guess) with a wool cap,backpack and navy baggy bermudas. Knocked very lightly on the door.
Keep your eyes open and call 9-1-1 if you see anything suspicious.