The 37th District Democrats met tonight at Rainier Valley Cultural Center to vote on endorsements of candidates on the ballot in the Central District. Tonight’s endorsed candidates are:
Seattle Mayor: dual endorsement: Joe Mallahan and Mike McGinn.
Seattle City Attorney: Pete Holmes
Seattle Council #2: dual endorsement: Richard Conlin and David Ginsberg
Seattle Council #4: David Bloom
Seattle Council #6: Nick Licata
Seattle Council #8: dual endorsement : David Miller and Mike O’Brien
Court of Appeals, Div. 1, position 3: Anne Ellington
King County Exec.: dual endorsement : Dow Constantine and Larry Phillips
King County Council #5: Julia Patterson
Port of Seattle #1: John Creighton
Port of Seattle #3: Rob Holland
Port of Seattle #4: Max Vekich
City of Renton Council #2: Jim Flynn
City of Renton Council #6: Terri Briere
City of Renton Municipal Court Judge: Terry Jurado
City of Tukwila Council #7: De’Sean Quinn
Seattle School District #5: Mary Bass
Seattle School District #7: dual: Charlie Mas and Betty Patu
The 37th District Democrats meet regularly on the second Monday of the month at the Rainier Valley Cultural Center, 3515 S. Alaska Street, at 7:30 pm.