One of the hidden treasures of this part of Seattle is Leschi Park, with its gorgeous old trees, quiet open space, and view of the Lake Washington waterfront. This year it’s marking the 100th anniversary since it transitioned from private hands to become a Seattle City Park.
A century ago it was a major destination. People would get there via the Yesler Way Cable Car from downtown, all dressed in their Sunday best, and spend the afternoon enjoying the park, walking along the lake, or waiting for the ferry that ran from there to and from Mercer Island.
The Leschi Community Council is planning a big event to celebrate the centennial this summer on August 15th. They’re lining up bands, historical tours, and more. They could also use your help to make it a big success. Here’s how you can pitch in:
- Graphical help is needed to put together flyers
- Have physical design skills? They’d like to create some durable exhibit panels to tell the history of the park
- The committee is trying to raise a couple of thousand dollars to fund the event. Mail your tax-deductible checks to “LCC” at PO Box 22391, Seattle WA, 98122-0391
- To join the planning committee, call Diane Snell at 726-0923
The history of this neighborhood is so intertwined with the politics and larger developments of this region. A quick read that is well worth the time for all who are interested can be found at HistoryLink: http://www.historylink.org/index.cfm?DisplayPage=output.cfm&
keep it coming
btw, check out the snow. maybe that’s just one of the “every 20 years” events
The Leschi Park Centennial Celebration will begin at 11am, August 15, with a tree tour led by Arthur Lee Jacobson, author of “Trees of Seattle”. This tour is limited to 50 people. Call Diane Snell at 726-0923 for reservations.
There will be a talk by historian Junius Rochester, a historical display with many old photos, two brass bands and a choir will perform music of the 1909 period, there’ll be antique cars, costumes of the time, and more,,,,,,, We’ll keep you updated as the program is formed……….
I have been collecting postcards and information about Leschi Park for nearly 30 years now and would be happy to share my collection. My husband and I live in the UK but will be in Seattle for the celebration. We would very much like to be included on the list for the tree tour and anything else that is ongoing. Please include us on the email list
Cheryl and Brinley Morgan