(they asked bloggers to get the word out)
Public Health Seattle and King County is asking parents to be on the front line of stopping flu infections. Please talk to your children about how they are feeling. If your child is sick, keep your child home. Staying home when sick helps reduce exposure to others and helps the sick person get well faster.
Answer these questions every morning before sending your child to school or child care:
1. Does your child have a fever (100º F or 37. 7ºC)?
2. Does your child have a sore throat, cough, body aches, vomiting, or diarrhea?
If you answered “yes” to both questions, your child might have the flu. Keep your child home from school for seven days or until symptoms are gone for 24 hours, whichever is longer.
If you answered “yes” to only one of the questions, keep your child home from school until symptoms are gone for 24 hours.
In addition to health and safety information about H1N1/Swine Flu, starting tomorrow, Wednesday May 6th, the Flu Hotline will offer callers an opportunity to speak with registered nurses.
(The hotline starts with a recorded message, follow the prompts for the best language option and when asked if you want “health and safety information about the H1N1 flu” or “if you have the flu,” follow the prompt to “if you have the flu.” This will take you to the menu that allows you to select “talk to a nurse.”)
Hotline nurses will tell callers how to manage their symptoms at home, tell them if they need to see a doctor or health care provider and answer other medical questions about H1N1 flu.
The Flu Hotline number is 1-877-903 KING (5464)
For more information, go to Public Health’s web site: www.kingcounty.gov/health/H1N1 or call the Flu Hotline at 1-877-903-5464