Community Post

Saturday Scenes

It’s been a busy day around the CD.  The newshound and I went for a long stroll this morning and snapped a few photos of what was going on:

The CDNA held a spring cleaning up and down Union and seemed to have a good turnout.  And their hard work was to be rewarded with a BBQ at noon with all the goods provided by Grocery Outlet:

The YMCA was hosting their Healthy Kids Day with all sorts of excitement in the gym, including the Panther Pride Unicycle Team, cheerleaders, and bouncy houses:



The Green Mixer & Hip-Hop Fest was getting under way at 24th & Spring with a tasty-looking brunch.  Music should be pumping in the afternoon:


Darcy and her dedicated Friends of Frink Park group were hard at work ripping out invasive weeds and planting some native shrubs. They’ve cleared 12 out of the 27 acres of park land there, restoring some really cool trails and making a great amenity for everyone in and around Leschi:



0 thoughts on “Saturday Scenes

  1. It was great to participate and get to know some neighbors today at the clean up and the BBQ at Casey.

    thanks for all the hard work today!

    Anna and gang

  2. I saw everyone out today, just wanted to say thanks and how much I appreciate your efforts… it shows! Thanks again!

  3. The Spring Street P-Patch, at 25th & Spring, did a tremendous amount of soil amendment work yesterday, and is looking fabulous!!

    To echo the previous post – THANKS to everyone who put in time yesterday cleaning up and taking care of the neighborhood and building community.

  4. We appreciate the work. Clean up along a busy commercial street is a constant effort. Some people missed that lesson about littering, it’s true, but a lot of garbage is spread by crows.
    thanks again from East Union Street neighbors…