Community Post

Neighborhood Watch???? Do we have one???

Summer is here and have been hearing plenty of stories going around that there has been a lot of trespassing and bulguries…DO we have a neighborhood watch program happening???? and what are the bloody police doing???? are there more police on foot??? I’ve never seen a polic beat around teh area and if i do there are in their cars speeding down the street missing all the crimes hiding in the bushes….we need polic on the beat, walking, riding their bikes in the neighborhood…this is appaling…….

0 thoughts on “Neighborhood Watch???? Do we have one???

  1. I did see 2 police officers on bike patrol in my neighborhood just the other day, and more commonly do see them in police cars. I am not saying it is perfect, but an effort does appear to be happening at least in this part of the district.

  2. I’ve noticed more cars are speeding down 29th Ave S almost every night – like they are playing Russian Roulette flying through the intersection. It really is amazing that nobody has been hit yet. Dozens of young children play in the area every day/eve. I wish we could afford a traffic circle but I hear it’s extremely difficult to get one.

  3. Doesn’t cost anything to start the traffic circle process…

    “An individual or group must make a request for inclusion in the current NTCP evaluation period by calling SDOT at (206) 684-0353. All requests should be made prior to July 31; any request received after this date will be considered for funding in August of the following year.”

  4. So go to and search for Block Watch. No one will give you a list because of privacy.

    If you are looking at homes, I’d suggest you hang out on the particular area you are interested in and meet the neighbors and ask. Don’t ever just look at it as the house you are moving into. You need to decide based on spending time in the neighborhood.

    Bottom line — Block Watch isn’t something done FOR you or TO you. It only happens because people who want it knock on their neighbor’s doors and organize it. Like any group of citizens you can contact the East Precinct, again let your fingers do the walking search it down on the web, and try to get a cop to visit your Block Watch group.