Community Post

Sunny Sunday Scenes

I’m not sure we could ask for better weather in January than what we’ve had the last couple days. The dog and I got out of the house and took a long walk down to the lake and back.  Here’s a few things we saw along the way:

Blue skies across the Garfield playfields:

Looking down at the valley below Denny Way:

A little private garden that invites the public in Denny/Blaine:

Messages to Kurt at Viretta park:

I wonder if the hundreds of thousands of dollars of solar panels on this new waterfront mansion will even cover 25% of the pool and spa energy requirements:

There’s so many cool little pocket parks along the lake.  This one has recently been spruced up, and all of the blackberry brambles removed:

Signs of old street life along Lake Washington, across from Madrona park:

The downside of several clear days in the winter is that pollution obscures Mt. Rainier:

The downtown skyline pops up above the hills on the walk back home:


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