Let’s admit it: our local weather pros know nothing about when or how much it will snow around here. The National Weather Service is saying that “accumulation of around an inch is possible”, and we already have about 5 or 6 inches around CDNews World HQ. Snow could continue through this evening.
It’s looking like the bus system is almost completely shut down. We’ve been out and haven’t seen a #48 go by in hours.
We’re also tracking road closures as we hear about them on today’s scanner report.
So the big question is where the fun stuff is? We saw some fun sledding earlier at Powell Barnett park on MLK, and Nora says that it’s a big party now, with hot chocolate and many improvised sledding devices. Any other activity in our winter wonderland?
Here’s some videos and some more pics from contributors and us:
My daughter is trying to organize a snowball fight on the 500 block of 27th Avenue, she’s rounding up neighbors and friends and she even made cookies!! Come and join us.
go to 19th & Thomas. It’s on their snow route and there was one stuck going each way on Thomas when I walked by at 9:30 AM.
Loved the great photos! Thanks for sharing them!
My heart went up to my throat in empathy, but I could not help laughing ’til I cried watching that car slooowwwllly ending up sidewise sliding down the hill…
There is lots of sledding down Union!
People still have those. Wow.
I waited from 9:30 am till noon for a 48. It came at noon and took us as far as Madison and 20th. It was on a “snow route”. At 20th and Madison the intersection was shut down and they were trying to pull a large tow truck out of a yard with chains around a power pole. I walked from there to downtown to catch try and catch a bus to the park and ride lot at 65th and I-5. Three hours later I finally got there.
What a ride!
I saw a Fedex truck do the slow slide down Judkins towards MLK into an abandoned metro bus today while I was walking to the Red Apple. A bunch of neighborhood teenagers who were out in the snow spent 2 hours getting the truck free and back up the hill. They were really great about it and I’m sure the Fedex driver (who was a tiny southern woman) was super thankful.
Got where? And are you staying ther overnight? Gosh be safe.
That’s awesome!