Been reading about burglaries in our neighborhood lately, it seems only fitting that we’d get burglarized at some point. Came home on 11/29 after a few days out of town for the holiday to find a few things gone (thankfully not much). The thieves (or thief – could have been just one) took a computer and a few other items. They broke into the house through a locked secondary door. Maybe with a crowbar. Very little in the house was touched/disturbed – it took a few moments to realize someone had been in our home while we were gone. They didn’t rifle through closets/clothing or anything. Just thought you all should know!
Sorry to hear your house was broken into. We recently had someone ring the door bell asking for a couple of bucks. The story didn’t seem right so promptly turned him away. Maybe I’m being too suspicious, but with all the recent burglaries it’s hard not to be.
These tidbits don’t help anyone unless we have an idea where they occurred and can crank up the vigilance in the immediate area. Thanks!
The incident location is pointed out on the map. Yes..Let’s all be more vigilant! We did get the “Lincoln Towing” guy here just over a week ago. Coincidence? Jesus, the way things have been going, probably!
I was visiting some friends in DC who live near Walter Reed in Takoma/DC. While we were chatting the phone rang. The wife came back and said, ‘Oh there are three guys who don’t live around here who have circled the block twice slowly. It went out on the list serves. I just looked outside and they are hanging around the corner. I called the cops.’ Communication is a wonderful thing. So is knowing who lives on your street.
Where was this? Do you remember what the car looked like?
Sorry it happened to you folks. Thanks for the alert.
Did your secondary door have a deadbolt? I’m wondering if we need to upgrade the locks on our doors.
Did your secondary door have a deadbolt? I’m wondering if we need to upgrade the locks on our doors. I’m also sorry to hear that.