Local builder of darling little projects (Miller Mews, Yesler Mews, Secret Garden) and member of the Central Area Neighborhood Plan Land Use, Open Space and Housing Committee, Marty Liebowitz has received the approval of the Stranger’s Blog ( the Slog) for his proposed development at MLK & Union:
Marty Liebowitz, of the Madrona Company, says he’s planning a four-story building that will contain up to 30 rental units in the top floors (several for low-income tenants), office space on the second floor, eight storefronts on the street level, and eight music-practice spaces in the basement.
“The rock-and-roll kids only make 10 to 20 thousand dollars a year,” says Liebowitz. “So we’re trying to create a scenario where they can live, a place to practice their music, and maybe a venue where they can perform.” He says the musicians can’t afford to live on Capitol Hill, so he’s building affordable rentals and spaces for inexpensive restaurants in the Central District.