Looking for something to do this weekend? Save some gas money and take a stroll to one of our neighborhood events:
If you’re trying to get your garden in shape for Spring, start off at 10am with a plant exchange in the Copy Master parking lot at 20th & Union.
Next, take a stroll over to The Bottleneck Lounge on Madison for their Kentucky Derby party. Skillet will be on hand with southern-inspired food.
And then top off your Saturday with a dinner, auction, and dancing to support the Rainbow City Band. They’re the band that you might have heard practicing in the Immaculate Conception church parking lot each summer, and this is their big fundraiser to support the band and young musician scholarship program.
See something we’re missing? Anyone can add events to the community calendar. Just sign up for an account if you’re not already a member.
(just got this flyer)
Saturday May 3rd, noon – 3 PM,
Community Family Event: Annual Flo Ware Celebration.
Bring a dish to share. Games & prizes for children.
Music: Aztec & Jazz. Danza Mexica Cuauthema; Aztec Dancers.
Young Lions
Flo Ware Park
28th Ave S. & Jackson
(Yes there was a celebration there a couple of weeks ago. The gentleman who gave me the flyer proffered an explanation, but it didn’t stick with me!)