and they’ll be released back into the custody of their grandmother this afternoon. the beat goes on
3:40pm – 26002000 block of E. Lynn – Burglary interrupted – 2 black males, about 16, one has black sweatshirt “[something] or die”. One officer says the description here matches that of kids involved in a number of other recent burglaries. A neighbor spotted them at the rear of the house, confronted them, and they took off down the side of the house toward Lynn St. Update: Fast-acting police spotted possible suspects on 20th north of Lynn. They’re going to bring the complainant over to make an ID. A positive ID was made, and the two were taken into custody.
and they’ll be released back into the custody of their grandmother this afternoon. the beat goes on
3:40pm – 26002000 block of E. Lynn – Burglary interrupted – 2 black males, about 16, one has black sweatshirt “[something] or die”. One officer says the description here matches that of kids involved in a number of other recent burglaries. A neighbor spotted them at the rear of the house, confronted them, and they took off down the side of the house toward Lynn St. Update: Fast-acting police spotted possible suspects on 20th north of Lynn. They’re going to bring the complainant over to make an ID. A positive ID was made, and the two were taken into custody.