22nd Ave. Spring Clean & Work Party – April 7th

The 22nd Avenue Block Watch group has organized a neighborhood clean-up and work party for Saturday, April 7th. This is a great opportunity to meet your neighbors and help make our sidewalks clean and safe for pedestrians, strollers, skateboards and pets by removing trash and clearing any overhanging branches and shrubs.

When: 9AM-noon on Saturday April 7.

Where: Meet at the corner of 22nd & E. Alder.

A request has been made to the city to provide supplies such as trash bags, safety vests & gloves, but neighbors are encouraged to provide additional resources like pruning sheers, rakes, compostable bags, etc. to help pitch in. This Spring Clean will focus primarily on 22nd Ave. and adjacent side streets between Jefferson St. and Yesler Way.

Crazy Lady Has Questions for the Amazon Fresh Guy

I’ve heard some interesting things from my window near 22nd Ave. & Yesler Way before, but up until today I’ve never had a camera handy to capture any of it on video. Here’s the tail end of an exchange between a lady yelling at the Amazon Fresh guy delivering my neighbor’s groceries:


I spoke with the delivery guy afterward and he seemed to take incident in stride, said he sees all kinds of crazy stuff in this city and actually spotted the same woman earlier yelling at trees around the corner.

Community Meeting to Discuss Transitional Housing for Ex-offenders in the C.D.

The East Precinct Crime Prevention Coalition is hosting a community meeting on Monday, March 8th to discuss the proposal of transitional housing for recently-released felons on the 100 block of 22nd Ave.  Facilitating the discussion will be Seattle Police Department’s Director John Hayes.

 Agenda items include a brief overview, current updates, and participant discussion.


Monday, March 8th, 7 – 9 pm

Seattle University, Chardin Hall Room # 145

1020 E. Jefferson, 98122

Free parking is available, and can be reached by Metro bus lines 3, 4 & 9.

Enter the parking lot at 11th & E. Jefferson, go into the front door and turn right, continuing to room #145.