Thanks to all who voted! Check out the city’s schedule – PB wading pool will be open Saturdays this summer thanks to sponsorship by! Perhaps next year we can get two days/week…?
Author Archives: Melissa Cate Christ
Vote to fund wading pools in Seattle this summer!
Thanks to community support in partnership with Parks and Rec, Powell Barnett Wading Pool was open Saturdays during the summer of 2011.
2012 Update: Sadly, there is no news of the city re-allocating their wading pool funding to open pools that have been closed for the last 3 years. However, Powell Barnett Wading Pool (and hopefully other Seattle wading pools) will be potentially be open Saturdays again this summer thanks to sponsorship by! I am awaiting confirmation of the specific details re: Powell Barnett from Parks and Rec, but in the meantime…visit before May 15 and vote for to fund wading pools in Seattle this summer! I know, I know, its a marketing campaign, but it is also an opportunity to get wading pools back in the spotlight as a necessary amenity in Seattle.
Visit the PB Wading Pool Facebook page for more info, links and updates!
Powell Barnett Wading Pool open this Saturday!
Saturday July 2, 12-7pm, is the first open day for the Powell Barnett Park wading pool! Check out the schedule for the rest of the summer – we are on it!
We will have water and soft drinks available for a minimal donation (we still have $300 left to raise to pay back our loan). It’s forecast to be 73 degrees and sunny – please join us for some fun in the sun!

Eat ALL-PURPOSE Pizza June13/14 & support Powell Barnett Park’s Wading Pool!

ALL-PURPOSE Pizza will donate a portion of their sales to opening the Pool.
We need just $850 more – your love of pizza will help us meet our goal!
M/T, June 13 & 14, 4-9pm
2901 S Jackson St.
visit PB Wading Pool & APP on Facebook
Editor’s Note: See our previous story about the fundraising efforts so far.
Want the PB Wading Pool open every Saturday this summer? Only $2400 more is needed!

Our deadline has been extended to Monday, May 16 – you can donate online or give in person at the Madrona Mayfair or the Annual Flo Ware Park event this Saturday! For businesses/vendors who would like to sponsor the pool, Parks and Rec has put together a special opportunity – please contact [email protected] or visit the Pool’s Facebook page for more details.
Thanks to everyone who has already made a donation to open to Powell Barnett Wading Pool this summer!
It’s a Wade-In!
We know its last minute, but tomorrow’s weather is going to be great! So come on down (Sat 04/23/11) after your local Easter Egg Hunt for a celebration of (almost) summer temperatures at Powell Barnett Wading Pool!
Yay! Fun in the sun! Bring your kids, lawn chairs, picnic blankets, pool floaties, chalk, and checkbook – we are going to fill up the pool…with people and art! We will have extra chalk and snacks available – let’s show the city we care about our wading pool!
We only have one week left to raise the money needed to get the pool open 3 days/week this summer – stop by the park tomorrow (Saturday 4/23/11) between 12-5pm to show your support!
*Visit the PB Wading Pool Facebook page for more info and a link to donate online:
Help Open the Wading Pool at Powell Barnett Park!
Located next to one of the most popular playgrounds in the City of Seattle, the wading pool at Powell Barnett Park provides no-fee access to shallow water play and relief from summer heat for our community’s children. Sadly, the wading pool has been closed for the last two summers and is slated to remain closed for the Summer of 2011 because of continued budget cuts. To address the situation, Seattle Parks and Recreation has announced they are looking for Sponsors/Partners to help fund the operation of the pools the summer.
We need to raise $13,200 by MAY 1, 2011 to open the pool from 12 – 7pm, three days/week this July and August. Make a donation today to help open the pool:
1. From your PayPal account/Credit Card: Click on or copy and paste it into your browser.
2. By check made out to: Leschi Community Council, with the note “Powell Barnett Wading Pool”. Mail to: Leschi Community Council, PO Box 22391, Seattle, WA 98122.
3. Pledge to donate by May 1 by sending an email to [email protected].
This campaign by local parents and community members is a Special Project of the Leschi Community Council (a 501(c)(3) registered non-profit) and is supported by the Central Seattle Parent Resource group and the Madrona Community Council. For questions or to volunteer, contact Melissa at [email protected] or visit the pool’s Facebook page.
Don’t let another summer go by without our wading pool in Powell Barnett Park!