Community Post

Vote to fund wading pools in Seattle this summer!

Thanks to community support in partnership with Parks and Rec, Powell Barnett Wading Pool was open Saturdays during the summer of 2011.

2012 Update: Sadly, there is no news of the city re-allocating their wading pool funding to open pools that have been closed for the last 3 years. However, Powell Barnett Wading Pool (and hopefully other Seattle wading pools) will be potentially be open Saturdays again this summer thanks to sponsorship by! I am awaiting confirmation of the specific details re: Powell Barnett from Parks and Rec, but in the meantime…visit before May 15 and vote for to fund wading pools in Seattle this summer! I know, I know, its a marketing campaign, but it is also an opportunity to get wading pools back in the spotlight as a necessary amenity in Seattle.

Visit the PB Wading Pool Facebook page for more info, links and updates!

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