Today, I became aware of a trio of drug dealers( crack dealers) working out of sam smith park and the bus shelter nearest to sam smith park @ the traffic light. (between massachusetts and Irving st.) I notified the SPD. I encourage this community to plz take the time to call 911 and report all illegal activity you may witness @ this public place . It is our responsibility to protect our own community .Because of the proximity to the elementary school and daycare and a public park I belive this is a very urgent issue and we must heighten our awareness and notify authorities to assist in to nipping this activity in the bud right now, to prevent future potential injuries to innocent bystanders esp. the children in those schools. STOP ACCEPTING DRUG DEALING AS A NORM IN THE CENTRAL DISTRICT. STAND UP FOR DRUG FREE PUBLIC AREAS AND YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD..CALL 911. AND KEEP CALLING INTO YOU GET RESULTS.