Are you missing your Chase Visa/ Rewards card? I found it on the 500 block of 27th Avenue. Contact me at [email protected] and give me your name if you think it’s yours.
Author Archives: Liz E
Are you missing a black cat?

Last evening a young black cat showed up in our yard (500 block of 27th) and latched itself on to my 14 year old son. The cat was very friendly and talkative. After we came inside for dinner it continued to meow, taking turns at our front and back door. When we opened the door the cat came right in and jumped on my son who was sitting on the couch, as I said…. very friendly cat. we took him/her outside and gave it some tuna which it wolfed down. This morning it pops up at the kitchen window to keep my son company during breakfast and has been hanging out on our deck since. I tried to take some pics of the cat but that was almost impossible as the cat just wants to play. The pics I have are taken through my kitchen window…. which seems to need cleaning!
If you’re missing a black cat, small, skinny with claws, very friendly and meows a lot, let me know.